
Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Homeschool Review Crew: Our Review of Kingdom Files

      Bible class hasn't always been a priority in our homeschool, but that all changed a few years ago. When we started putting God first, our days just went more smoothly.  It isn't easy to find curriculum for our 11 and 13 year old that isn't either too easy or too hard for them.  I was excited to be receiving and reviewing two titles from the Kingdom Files series published by Barbour Publishing. I was hoping these would be a good fit for our family, and I was not disappointed. 

     Who Was Jonah? and Who Was Mary, Mother of Jesus? are books written by Matt Koceich.  Matt is a father, husband and public school teacher with a Masters degree in Education.  These books are amazing little Bible-based biographies.  They are geared towards ages 8-12, but even my 13 year old loves them. 

     These paperback books are about 90 pages in length and are full of fun facts about these characters from the Bible.  There are now six biographies on the website to choose from. My children were so thrilled with the two we received, they wanted to buy more.  I was happy to see that  our local Christian bookstore carried them, and was able to buy another one for the kids to enjoy. We will be buying the rest of the set soon!

     Who Was Jonah? takes our children on a journey with Jonah, a prophet, who disobeyed God and was eaten by a big fish.  While in the belly of this fish, Jonah has a change of heart. He wants to help the people of Nineveh.  Will he continue to be obedient to God?  You will have to read the book to find out.   

     Who Was Mary, Mother of Jesus?  will help our children to learn more about this young woman whose life was forever changed when she was chosen to be the mother of Jesus.  From the announcement of Jesus to His crucifixion, you will see things through her eyes.  This book was so intriguing that my daughter read through it twice. 

     Each book begins with a Fact File about the character.  We then have the Action Files that tell all about the person.  After you have read the Action Files, you are given 10 Power-Ups.  These help you to ponder what you have been taught.  I love that at the end of the books is a sneak peak of another Kingdom File book.  These books are a great way to get children interested in the Bible. Like I said before, we will be purchasing all of the them.  My children just loved the way these books were laid out and didn't want to put them down.   

     Would you like to learn more about these books and others from Barbour Publishing?  Just head on over to their website or their social media pages listed below: 

     We have more reviews for these biographies over here ↓↓↓  I hope you have some time to check them out 😊

Kingdom Files {Barbour Publishing Reviews}

Have a blessed day!!!!

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