
Friday, September 7, 2018

Homeschool Review Crew: Our Review of GrammarPlanet

     One of my favorite subjects in high school was grammar.  I loved finding the subject, verbs, adjectives, and adverbs of a sentence.  Diagramming was like a game to me.  Let's just say I was a grammar nerd.  Everyone thought I was a little nuts for enjoying it so much.  So you can guess when we were chosen to receive and review GrammarPlanet, a complete online curriculum to teach grammar, puncutation, and usage, I was a bit giddy.  

     When I started homeschooling and my kids were old enough to learn grammar, I was excited to teach them.  Out of 6 kids, only 1 really loved grammar as much as I do.  She still loves it today. Most books do not make learning grammar rules fun.  I was excited to see what GrammarPlanet had to offer.  

    You begin by creating a parent then student account. They are different.  The parent account allows you to see your child's progress and reset units if needed.  The student account is where all the teaching takes place.  

     My 11 year old daughter, who doesn't really care for learning grammar, was happy to try this program out. It was so easy to sign up and log in. Once we were on, she began to do her first unit study.  Each unit has a print out that you must print before starting.  Your student will then watch an instructional video for the unit study. 

     The instructor is great.  She is lively and her voice is soothing.  At the end of the video, your child will be asked a few questions to be sure they understood the video before working on the unit study questions and tests.  

     If they have comprehended the teaching video, it is time to move on to the unit practice questions and tests.  I sat with my daughter during her first couple of unit studies. During the interactive practice sessions, you will be labeling the words in the sentence that corresponds with the unit study. Like if nouns were being taught, you would label all the nouns in the sentence and so on. My daughter didn't get all the questions correct, so we went back and discussed what she had marked wrong and she was able to understand why she didn't get it right.  This helped her to do better as she headed to the next lessons. 

     Just when I thought I knew all there was to know about grammar, I realized there were even things I could learn from this wonderful program. It doesn't matter if you are a beginner or a veteran, this is a great program to help you learn grammar or just brush up on your skills.  

    Would you  like to learn more about this program?  What if I told you that you could try it today for FREE?  Just head on over to the website GrammarPlanet and get started on your journey.  The free side has ads, but soon you will be able to pay for a no-ad version for just $39.  We have a strict school budget so the free version will work for us πŸ˜‰

     To learn more about this program you can also visit their social media pages listed below: 

     We would love for you to check out other reviews of this curriculum over here
Grammar Program Online {GrammarPlannet Reviews}
Have a wonderful weekend!!!

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