
Thursday, May 18, 2017

Homeschool Review Crew: Our Review of Captain Absolutely

     For years our family has enjoyed the wonderful resources from Focus On The Family.  We love Adventures in Odyssey and recently we joined their Adventures in Odyssey Club.  With this membership, you receive a monthly magazine called Focus on the Family Clubhouse Magazine. It was here that we first started reading the amazing adventures of Captain Absolutely.  When we were picked to receive and review this book, my youngest son, who is 12,  was thrilled.  He couldn't wait to read it.  

      It didn't take him very long to read it. I feel this book could be read in a short time by any intermediate or experienced reader. This book is a compilation of many different comic strips that star Captain Absolutely.  I couldn't believe how this book kept Josh's focus.  He couldn't put it down.  He loves to read about superheroes and this is one hero I didn't mind him wanting to be like. 

      I asked Josh to write down who Captain Absolutely was and this is what he said:
     "Josiah King was a normal man until his friend made a reactor explode.  Josiah was saved from the explosion by hiding in a room that had a bunch of Bibles in it.  Josiah received special powers that day and his eyes were forever opened to the Word of God. He was now Captain Absolutely.  He wanted to defend the Truth.  He was willing to fight for what is right."

      Josh then went on to tell us about Captain Absolutely's sidekick Hana Lin:
     "She was a girl that was rescued by Captain Absolutely.  After he rescued her, she got saved and invented a flame suit that she could use to help him in his daily conquest to battle for truth and justice."

     After he finished the book I asked him to write down what he thought.  Here is what he had to say: 
     "The book was awesome.  It taught me a lot about the Bible.  It wasn't too long, so I enjoyed reading it and was able to read it quickly. The story was a real page-turner.  It kept my attention. It had great characters and the drawings were very detailed.  I loved the lessons it taught throughout the entire book.  I think it's a great way to teach children about the Bible and it's Truth."

     I feel that he really gave us some great knowledge of the book without revealing the storyline too much.  We wouldn' t want to ruin it for others 😊

     I am so happy that they are creating material like this for our young people.  They need more creative resources that share God's Word with our pre-teens and early teenagers.  I feel this book was just what we need in our society today.  A godly hero to look up to.  We should encourage our children to stand up for what is right and not be afraid to fight for the Truth.  

     If you would like more information about Focus On The Family or this book Captain Absolutely please visit their websites, or visit their social media pages: 

    We also have some more great reviews for this resource over on the Homeschool Review Crew web page. I hope you enjoy reading through them.

    Have a great day!!!!


1 comment:

  1. It sounds like a really fun book from a well-respected company! I like the review that your son wrote. That the main character of the book gained powers from being in a room full of Bibles is symbolic of our being in the Word in order to have power over sin.
