
Monday, May 22, 2017

Are You Changing?

     When we give our lives to Christ, we will see changes occur in our lives.  We will want to live a life pleasing to the Lord.  We must put off our sinful nature, lay down our wants, and give our hopes and dreams to our Savior. He will change us as we seek Him.  He will renew our minds and hearts.  He will heal us from the inside out.  We will want to follow Him.  He will be our all in all.  We will long to read His Word and talk with Him each day.  

 Don’t copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God’s will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect.~ Romans 12:2 

      Before we are saved we look to the world to satisfy our desires, but once we receive Christ as our Savior, we see that nothing the world has to offer will satisfy.  We are made to worship our King.  Everyone should see that we are different.  We are in this world but not of it.  We should be examples of Christ's love and grace.  We will stand strong in our faith, not compromising the Word of God.

      As a mom, I pray each day for the lives and souls of my children.  I am on my knees daily praying they will serve the Lord with all their hearts, minds,souls and strength.  I pray that my failures will not keep them from being the servants of the King.  I plead for the Lord to help me be a good example for them.  Being a mom is one of the hardest jobs on earth.  It doesn't end until the day we take our last breath.  Even when our children are adults, we never stop being mom.  We still pray and pray for them to seek God and follow His plan for their lives.  We pray that Satan will not overcome them and devour them. From the second we find out our child is in our womb, we pray.

    In the past 2 years, our lives have changed in many ways.  Our oldest daughter has gotten married and moved out of state, our oldest son is engaged to be married, my husband has been promoted at work and I am beginning to go through some early signs of menopause.  As I thought about all these changes occurring, I began to feel fear, but the Lord quickly reminded me that in order to grow there must be change.  Change isn't a bad thing, it is just a new thing.  I don't need to be afraid, because He is there with me through all these changes, just as He has been with me before.   We will continue to change until the day the Lord returns or calls us home.  Walking in faith isn't easy but it will give us peace.

     Are you experiencing change?  Are you leaning on God through it all?  Do you pray for change in your life?

      I am praying for you today and everyday.  Don't fear change.  Allow God to have it all!


  1. I think one of the hardest things about change is knowing it's coming. It's hard to be fully present in the current season while preparing your heart for the next.

  2. I agree Emily. Thanks for sharing your heart.
