
Friday, April 7, 2017

Our Homeschool Calendar

     When we began homeschooling 19 years ago, I was very rigid with our schedule.  I would try to follow the calendar of the local school district.  I didn't realize how much frustration it was bringing to our home until I read an article on being more flexible with your homeschooling calendar.  

     It was like someone took the blinders off. Could we really have a more relaxed agenda? Could we take days off to do family activities? The answer was YES!!!!  That day was a turning point in our homeschool.  

      I was excited to read about the 6 weeks on, 1 week off schedule.  It was a perfect fit for our family.  It took the pressure off of me and the children.  Our homeschooling days became more peaceful. We had something to look forward to and it made our household less stressed.  

      Here are our reasons we loved this set up:
  •  During our week off, I would have time to catch up on household chores.
  •  We could schedule family outings around our week off. 
  •  It gave us time to relax after working hard for 6 weeks. That 1 week off, made a huge difference in attitudes.
  •  It gave me a week to make out our assignment sheets for the next 6 weeks. 
  •  We felt more in control of our schedule.

     The only negative to this schedule is a shorter summer break, but honestly, summer breaks were always too long anyway.  After 7 or 8 weeks off, my kids were bored and looking for things to do. This new schedule gave them intermittent time off during the entire school year where they could have fun and not have time to get bored with their toys/games.  

     Lately, I have been reading about some new schedules families are trying like 4 weeks on, 1 week off, or 6 weeks on, 2 weeks off.  I am happy to see homeschoolers finding what works best for their family and not worrying about what others are doing.  It's important to find your niche.  I feel it makes for a happy home.  

     What schedule works best for your family?  I would love to hear some different ideas.  



  1. Like you, I've relaxed a bit in terms of scheduling. Some of that is that I'm down to two students, so I have the luxury of a bit more time, but also, I've realized that I have nothing to gain by putting us in a straight jacket every day!

  2. I am still working on finding the right schedule for my homeschool. This coming year 2017-2018 will be the first year that I have to make the 180 days. This year 2016-2017 is my practice year on making the 180 day goal and I am not sure I am going to make it :( Thank you for this article. This will help me to really plan out my next year a little better.
