
Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Homeschool Review Crew: Our Review of Web Design {CompuScholar, Inc.}

     My son, who is a Junior in high school,  was excited when he heard we were chosen to review the  Web Design course from CompuScholar, Inc. CompuScholar was previously known as Homeschool Programming. 

      He loves to learn all he can about computers. Web design was one aspect he had not studied before.  I knew this would be a good fit for him. 


     So what is required to begin this study:
  • A student that can:
          1. Use a keyboard and mouse to select and run programs 
          2. Navigate application menu systems
          3. Can interact with their operating systems
          4. Should be able to load and save files on hard disk
          5. Should be able to use built-in operating systems.
  • A computer that has internet access

      Right from the start, my son told me he liked the ease of use.  It was not difficult to sign in and the website was easy to navigate.  This is important for students.  They need to be able to log on and go right to the lesson they are on for the day. 

     The course covers these topics: 

     For a complete course syllabus and planner, you can visit the link posted on the web page Web Design.

      Before doing this review, I sat down with my son who is doing this course and asked him to give me a list of pros and cons.  I was pleasantly surprised to see his list.  There were many pros, but not one con.  Here is what he listed on his list:

  • The course is very informative
  • Everything is explained step by step
  • It is simple to use.  You don't need an extensive background in computer to use this course
  • The tests and work are easy to complete as long as you read the text and watch the videos.
  • You don't need a high-powered computer to run the program
  • He loved how they taught you to file exploring and organization
  • He liked the fact that they frequently reminded you to backup your data
  • He said this course was much better than any other ones he had checked out before
     As I went over the website, I too found it easy to navigate. I liked the fact that you can pick exactly what chapter of the course you want to study for the day.  If you are already proficient in one area you can choose another chapter.


     Along with Web Design, CompuScholar also offers other courses like Digital Savvy and Java Programming.  These are just a few of their wonderful online classes.  If you would like a full course overview and more information on how this works,  you can visit their site CompuScholar, Inc.  

   Each course has a list of prices with two types of subscription plans being self-led or teacher-led. They also allow you to choose the monthly or yearly plan. My son, because of his grade and age is following the self-led option.  I like the fact this site offers two options for families. I love the flexibility!

    CompuScholar has a wonderful and informative website, but they also offer some great knowledge on their Facebook page CompuScholar Homeschool and on their Twitter account HSProgramming.  I also enjoyed watching some of their videos on their You Tube Channel Homeschool Programming, Inc.

    I encourage you to check out this site if you want to obtain better computer skills or if your child is interested in Computer Science. These courses are great for junior high or senior high students, but if you are an adult that would like to learn more about these subjects it is wonderful for you too.  I know I have learned quite a bit from watching my son take his classes.  

     If you would like to read some other reviews on this product and others from CompuScholar, Inc., please come on over and check out the Homeschool Review Crew website.  



  1. Thanks for giving you valuable feedback! Someone else's hindsight and experience is so valuable. Thanks for taking the time to do this:)

  2. Hi there from Texas! I’m bored at work so I decided to check out your site on my free time during lunch break. I love the info you provide here. Anyhow, wonderful post! PSD to Email
