
Tuesday, October 16, 2018

HOMESCHOOL REVIEW CREW: Our Review of St. Bartholomew's Eve

     Our family has become fans of the G.A. Henty audio dramas over the last year.  We were just thrilled when we were chosen to receive and review their newest production titled St. Bartholomew's Eve by Heirloom Audio.  We couldn't wait to receive our CD's in the mail.  I think our son wore a path to the mailbox waiting for them to come. 

    Heirloom Audio has taken audio dramas to new heights.  These stories are not only exciting, they encourage your children to use their imaginations.  They bring you right to the time period by using amazing actors and sound effects.  I can't explain how wonderful they are, and they are not just for kids.  Adults will love them as well.  I love the fact that they teach morals, values, and godly character.  As a parent that is very important to me.

     I could go on and on, but instead I have asked my 18 year old son Ryan to give you his opinion of these audios and a look into what St. Bartholomew's Eve is all about.  Here is what he had to say....

     St. Bartholomew's Eve is an amazing story. The voice acting made you feel like you were  a part of the adventure.  I love these Heirloom Audio productions. You know you will never be disappointed by the quality of them. These are stories I think every Christian should listen to.  It reminds us of how lucky we are to live in this country where we have the freedom to worship God. While there are some intense scenes in these audios, I don’t believe it is to rough for younger children.  I am not a young child anymore, but I enjoyed this a lot, and I think adults and children alike will enjoy this. I am a bit of a History nut.  I love different parts of history, including the era this story is set in. G.A Henty really was one of the best story tellers of historical events and Heirloom Audio preserves that. 

       Now, let me tell you a little bit about the story. The story starts out with a young man named Philip Fletcher, who is from England, visiting family in France.  He is there to help the Huguenots, a group of people seeking religious freedom. During this time period in France, you were only allowed to worship God as the traditional Catholics did.  

     As the story progresses, Philip gets close to his cousin, they become like brothers, fighting along side one another. As you get further into the drama, you will see it is full of twists and turns, showing people that even though it may cost them everything including their lives, serving the Lord is worth it. As a matter of fact at one part of the story all seems lost for the Huguenots, even though they were quite possibly about to die, they all sing a song of praise to the Lord. It brought tears to my eyes as I imagined what this scene would look like.  

    While there is plenty of  action throughout the story, they also include some emotional scenes. The characters and places are brought to life as you listen to this story. I couldn't stop listening and will listen to it again. 

     Wow, I don't think I could have said it any better.  You can tell my son is passionate about history and these audios.  His heart is soft and as he listens, he puts himself right there in the story.  Heirloom Audio makes it easy to get caught up in the story and I think that is awesome!  

     I encourage you to check out this audio as well as their others on their website or on their social media pages listed below: 

Instagram: @HeirloomAudioOfficial

       We also have some more review for you to read over here 

St. Bartholomew's Eve {Heirloom Audio Reviews}

     I would also like to share our other reviews of Heirloom Audio from our blog page.  Just click the links below to see what other adventures we have been able to review over the past year or so. As you read these reviews, you will see that right from the start, we loved these audio dramas and will continue to listen to them in the years to come.
Our Review of Wulf the Saxon
Our Review of In The Reign of Terror


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