
Friday, March 10, 2017

Praying Through The Tears

You keep track of all my sorrows. You have collected all my tears in your bottle.
 You have recorded each one in your book.
 ~ Psalm 56:8

     There have been many times in my life when I didn't have the words to pray, and in those times, I prayed through my tears.  The Lord knew exactly what was in my heart and even though the words were not spoken aloud, He knew my needs.  He understood that my heart was broken and all I could was cry to Him. It brings comfort to know that He cares so much for me that I don't have to utter a single word for Him to be there for me.  

     It doesn't matter what I am going through, I know He hears my cries.  It could be homeschooling issues, parenting difficulties, physical ailments, or emotional distress, He is there to meet my needs and to give me wisdom to overcome whatever my come my way.

     Our prayers do not need to be fancy or drawn out.  We can simply whisper the name of our Lord and Savior and He meets us right where we are.  I don't know about you, but that brings me peace.  His love for us is so amazing.  His grace and mercy extend beyond what we can comprehend.   I get teary-eyed just thinking about Him and how much He has done for me.   

     We have a Savior who knows exactly how we feel.  He too has wept and prayed through His tears.  He has felt all the emotions we have felt.  He has felt such great sorrow that He sweated drops of blood. We are told in Luke 22:44 -  And being in agony he prayed more earnestly; and his sweat became like great drops of blood falling down to the ground.   What anguish He must have felt that night to have this happen.  This was the night before He was going to be crucified for our sins.  I know I have not ever felt the suffering that Jesus felt that evening.  It grieves me to know what He went through so that we can live eternally with Him if we repent of our sins and believe on Him for our salvation.  I feel so loved when I think of His great sacrifice.  

      When I am feeling afraid or sad, I know I can turn to my Lord for comfort and encouragement.  He is always there.  As I pray I thank Him for His great blessings and even when I don't feel happy, I know He gives me joy unspeakable. I am never alone.  Jesus is my all in all. I never fear that He will leave me or forsake me.  He promises me in His Word that as long as I seek Him, I never have to walk alone. He will strengthen me and give me peace even when I am having difficulties.  What JOY that brings to my soul!!!

      When you feel these emotions who do you run to?  

       When you feel these emotions, you should run to Jesus!


  1. Dear Betty, thank you for this reminder. When our first child died the Lord opened up His word to Romans 8:26-28. He lifted the burden of words to reassure me that in times of our deepest anguish they aren't necessary. He hears and feels our pain whether we can squeeze the words out or not. What a GREAT God is He! Prayers and blessings from your neighbor at Holley's.

  2. The grace and mercy of God are especially precious when our hearts are broken. Thanks for sharing your experience with this.

  3. I am so glad that God knows what's on my heart even when I can't express it.
