
Monday, March 13, 2017

Homeschool Review Crew: Celebrating Manhood: A Rite of Passage Guide

     On June 9, 1994, I became a mother to a bouncing baby boy.  Our first child and first son.  I remember rocking him in my hospital room.  When I looked into his eyes, I melted.  Then the fear came.  I prayed and prayed to the Lord that night.  I prayed He would help me be a good mom to this precious little boy.  I prayed that He would give me wisdom and strength.  I prayed that my husband and I would be able to meet all his needs.  God met me right there and gave me peace.  

      Now 22 years later, I have watched that baby boy grow into a man.  The road that led us to this day was not always easy, but was worth it.  I wish I would have had this amazing book when he was younger, but now that I have been given the opportunity to review Celebrating Manhood: a rite of passage guide , from the Home School Adventure Co.   I will be using the knowledge and wisdom in this book to help us celebrate our younger two son's passage into manhood.  

     As I was reading this book, I felt bad that we had missed out celebrating our oldest son's rite of passage.  The years went by so quickly, we didn't realize how fast he was growing up.  We took those years for granted.  We do not want to make the same mistake with our younger two sons.  They are 17 and 12.  We are planning to follow the instructions in the book to celebrate them becoming men. 

      In the book, Stacy Farrell reminds us that it is important to observe this time in our young men's lives. I love how you are given excellent ideas on how to commemorate this wonderful occasion. There are suggestions on who to invite, what to do during the celebration, and how to make this a memorable event for these young men. There are nine sections of the book that include: 
  • Celebrating Manhood—our Story 
  • A Blueprint
  • Invitation Template
  • The Question Cards
  • I Remember When
  • If Only I Had Known
  • What I Value and Respect
  • Welcome to the World of Men
  • About the Author

     Each section has something new to help you make this celebration something they will never forget.  This ceremony shows them that you are proud of who they are becoming and that you are there to support them through this journey into manhood.  

     We plan to have our ceremony during the summer months so we can enjoy some family bonding around the fire pit.  That is their favorite place to be and we can make some of their favorite foods on the grill.  We want to provide them with things they love during this celebration, so that is why we are waiting for warmer weather.  I want this to be a special time for them. I can't wait to enjoy this achievement with them.  I get teary-eyed just thinking about it. 


      If you have sons, I encourage you to get this book.  If they are on the younger side, get it for later.  You won't be disappointed.  If you would like more information on this wonderful resource, you can go to their web page Celebrating Manhood, or their Facebook page Home School Adventure Co.  They also have a You Tube page HomeSchoolAdventure, where you can check out this product and many of the other resources this company has to offer. 

     I always enjoy reading reviews for things I am praying about buying for our family.  The Homeschool Review Crew has some more reviews for you to read about this product and a few others from this company.  I hope you get a chance to read them.   

1 comment:

  1. Praying you have a joy-filled and impactful celebration this summer. So glad you're seizing the opportunity to celebrate your younger sons. Thanks for sharing your heart in this review, Betty. Blessings on your family! —Stacy Farrell
