
Thursday, February 2, 2017

Do You Have Something to Prove?

     In October of 2016, I received an advance copy of a book that has changed my life.  The book is Nothing To Prove by Jennie Allen.  I can not explain to you how amazing this book is. Jennie is open, honest and raw with her emotions and feelings.  She holds nothing back.  Her words are a breath of fresh air to those reading them.  This book lets you know you are not alone in this world. 

      A few years ago I read the book Anything: The Prayer That Unlocked My God and My Soul by Jennie Allen.  I didn't think she could touch my soul again with another book, but Nothing to Prove, proved me wrong.  I went through many boxes of tissues reading through this book.  I did a lot of soul searching as I read each chapter.  God worked in me with each page I turned.  He wanted to speak to me through the words on the pages.  I just had to be open to hearing what He wanted to teach me.  


     After I read the quote above, tears began to flow.  The first of many.  I needed to hear these words.  I had always felt like I was not enough, and that was true.  I am not enough, but Jesus is.  I needed to release all the pressures to prove myself all the time.  I must let go of the people pleasing mentality.  All I can do is surrender my life to Him and allow Him to do a good work in me and through me. I may never be enough in the sight of men, but He is more than enough.  I have nothing to prove!



     As you read through the few quotes I have posted, do you see how powerful it is to let go of our desires to please man and lay down our lives for God to use as He sees fit.  We don't need the glory or fame.  We only need to live lives that point others to Christ.  We don't want to live for the temporary things of this world.  We want to live with eternity in mind at all times. 

     This book is done in two parts.  The first talks about how we keep striving only to feel like we will never be enough.  The second part teaches us of God's Streams of Enoughness.  During the second part you will be taking a deeper look into quite a few chapters of John.  Jennie has an incredible way of walking us through some amazing events in the book of John.  My kids wanted me to read each one aloud to them every night for a week.  It was a time of growth for our family as we would discuss each chapter after reading them.   By the end of the book you know right where you need to go to live a life of fulfillment and that place is the feet of Jesus.  

     I can't encourage you enough to get this book and to read it.  I have read through it twice and will be reading it again soon.  There is so much to learn and digest.  It is worth your time and money. Please consider buying it and allowing God to speak to you in a special way.  I will be praying for all those who read it! 



  1. This is the second time today someone recommended this book to me! I just added it to my reading list. Thanks! Joining you from #coffeeforyourheart

  2. Yes! I am so relieved to understand more of who God is through this book and I especially loved the passages from John. I am reading through the blogs of others from the launch team and I'm glad to find new voices to read.
