
Sunday, January 29, 2017

Studying God's Word Together

     As a family, we need to come together each day and study God's Word.  Every evening we love to gather on our big bed to read the Bible, sing a couple of worship songs, and pray.  It is such a time of peace and unity.  

    Today,  I would like to share five reasons why family devotions are important.

  1.  Putting God first is essential to your families spiritual health.  As you read His Word together, you will grow closer to Him and closer as a family.
  2.   It gives you a time to talk about important elements of the Bible.  After you read a passage, take time to answer questions and discuss what the verses were saying to you.  Talk about how you can apply them to your everyday life.  
  3.  Studying God's Word as a family unit will give you the opportunity to reinforce the character training that you are instilling in your children.  
  4.  Family devotions provides a chance to encourage one another spiritually and emotionally.  It brings UNITY! 
  5.   A family that prays together stays together.  Use this time to teach your children how to pray.  We take turns praying each evening.  It gives everyone a chance to talk to their Heavenly Father and a time to thank Him for being an awesome God.  
      Let the message about Christ, in all its richness, fill your lives. Teach and counsel each other with all the wisdom he gives. Sing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs to God with thankful hearts.  And whatever you do or say, do it as a representative of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks through him to God the Father. ~Colossians 3:16-17

    I love these verses.  They reiterate the importance of family devotions.  These verses are our guide to how we should conduct our family devotion time.  We need to read and examine the scriptures, sing songs of praise to our Father, and then pray and show Him how much we love and appreciate His many blessings. Afterward, we need to take away the truths we have learned and apply them in our daily lives.   


If you do not have a family devotional, we have a free one for you to download today.   Just click on the link below to hop on over to the post 



  1. Family worship should be a cornerstone of every family. We have ours at 6:30 in the morning at least three times a week. Currently, we are studying through John to correspond to the sermon series in our church.

    In early years we used a catechism and as they got older we used Catherine Vos' A Child's Story Bible. Other times we used videos to help in discussions.

    Thanks for writing this.

  2. I think it's important, but not as important as living out what the Bible says. Growing up, my family never kept family devotions but we all grew in Christ as a family anyways because we worked as a team in different ministry opportunities. And because we were actively ministering to others, we were encouraged to study the Bible and keep our own devotional times.

    Like I said, I do think it's important and a good thing for families, so I am pinning this. :)
