
Sunday, January 29, 2017

Studying God's Word Together

     As a family, we need to come together each day and study God's Word.  Every evening we love to gather on our big bed to read the Bible, sing a couple of worship songs, and pray.  It is such a time of peace and unity.  

    Today,  I would like to share five reasons why family devotions are important.

  1.  Putting God first is essential to your families spiritual health.  As you read His Word together, you will grow closer to Him and closer as a family.
  2.   It gives you a time to talk about important elements of the Bible.  After you read a passage, take time to answer questions and discuss what the verses were saying to you.  Talk about how you can apply them to your everyday life.  
  3.  Studying God's Word as a family unit will give you the opportunity to reinforce the character training that you are instilling in your children.  
  4.  Family devotions provides a chance to encourage one another spiritually and emotionally.  It brings UNITY! 
  5.   A family that prays together stays together.  Use this time to teach your children how to pray.  We take turns praying each evening.  It gives everyone a chance to talk to their Heavenly Father and a time to thank Him for being an awesome God.  
      Let the message about Christ, in all its richness, fill your lives. Teach and counsel each other with all the wisdom he gives. Sing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs to God with thankful hearts.  And whatever you do or say, do it as a representative of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks through him to God the Father. ~Colossians 3:16-17

    I love these verses.  They reiterate the importance of family devotions.  These verses are our guide to how we should conduct our family devotion time.  We need to read and examine the scriptures, sing songs of praise to our Father, and then pray and show Him how much we love and appreciate His many blessings. Afterward, we need to take away the truths we have learned and apply them in our daily lives.   


If you do not have a family devotional, we have a free one for you to download today.   Just click on the link below to hop on over to the post 


Friday, January 27, 2017

Who Would Have Thought.....

    If you would have told me that our children would be taking online classes a few years ago, I would have laughed.  I thought everything should be taught from a book.  I had no idea how many resources were out there that would be beneficial to my children's education.  

     I love teaching my children, but I will admit there are certain subjects where I lack sufficient knowledge to really teach it the way it should be taught.  I use to spend hours and hours learning certain subjects in order to teach it.  Now that we have found these amazing resources online, I have more time to focus on other things that I love to teach and they love to learn from me.  I no longer have to research subjects that were harder for me to teach.  It's wonderful!!!

     Our favorite resource at the moment is  We are using it for Bible, science, geography, accounting, spelling, computer science, writing, and speech classes.  The kids love it!  I love it!  It has freed my schedule a little so I can pursue other things. Now don't get me wrong, I am still in the room where they take these online classes in case they need any help or have any questions, but I am not the one lecturing or instructing the class and that has helped give me more time to work on other projects.  

     Many times our children are interested in subjects that we have not taken or do not feel able to teach.  That is where online classes benefit them most.  They will be able to take these subjects that interest them and it will be possible to do it from the comfort of home.  A few years ago this was not a option. What a wonderful blessing these classes are for our children.  

     When my kiddos are finished with a class they have so much to tell me.  It brings a smile to my face when they have so much knowledge to share. They have taught this mama a few new things and I think that is what homeschooling is all about. Learning together, growing together, and just being together as a family.  

      One of our jobs as parents and homeschool teachers, is to meet the needs of our families.  We need to understand that each family is unique.  We can't expect to follow just one approach to get the job done.  We have to find what works best for them and not worry what other families are doing. Don't compare your children to other children. Be confident in your abilities to know what your family needs and stick to your plan.  

     Do you use online classes in your homeschool?There are so many incredible sites out there. I would love to hear if you have some online resources to share with me.  

Thursday, January 26, 2017

Getting Some Zzzs

     Sleep is so important to a child.  They need it to grow and it helps them focus in school. I have read many books that said to be sure to get them into bed early. I use to worry and fret over my children who didn't seem to sleep as much as the books said they should.   

     Do you have a child that doesn't like to sleep?  We have two in our home.  They enjoy staying up late.  Most days it doesn't seem to hinder their learning and it rarely changes their waking habits. They are night owls.  

     It use to drive me crazy, but after 22 years of parenting, I have figured out that no two children are the same.  They each need to be parented in a different way.  What works for one may not work for the other.  Bedtime is no exception.  Some children require 10 to 12 hours of sleep, but others need less.  

      Our youngest son Joshua, who is 12,  is one of the kiddos that do not require a lot of sleep. Even as a baby, he didn't sleep a lot.  He usually goes to sleep around 11:30 or 12 and wakes up at 8.  He does most of his creative thinking, reading, and learning late at night.  It is during these late hours that he comes up with his best ideas.  It's just the way God built him.  I use to be concerned with his sleeping patterns, but then I realized that I can't change who he is.  All I can do is make sure he is happy and healthy, and he is!  

      With all that being said, I would like to give you a few tricks that will help you and your child sleep better.  These are tried and true methods.  They even help Joshua get to sleep once he is ready for sleepy-town. 

  • We love to use essential oils as a part of our bedtime routine.  It helps to relax us.  We like to diffuse them, spray them on our pillows or stuffed animals, or apply them topically. They smell amazing and help us to wind down. 
  •  We love to read before bed.  This also helps us relax and before we know it we can't keep our eyes open.
  •   I have taught my children that if they are having trouble falling to sleep that they should pray.  Asking God to help them to sleep well and not to have any bad dreams.  
  •   Taking a warm bath may help your child to unwind before bedtime.  If our bodies are at ease, we have an easier time falling to sleep.
  •   Don't forget lots of hugs and kisses before attempting bedtime.   A child who feels loved will feel more calm and ready to sleep. Even my teen has to have his hug before he turns in for the night.  
  •   Make sure their bellies are full.  Give them a light snack about an hour before bedtime. 

     As a mom, I have to say that I haven't really slept like I use to BC {before children} for over 22 years, but I figure once my children are all grown, I will have plenty of time to sleep.   Right now I just have to focus on getting adequate sleep for my health and making sure they are healthy and getting the sleep their bodies require.  Our bedtime routines may be different than others, but they work for our family.  What works for yours?  I would love to hear about it!  


Monday, January 23, 2017

A Free Study of the Armor of God

Today we have a free study of the Armor of God.  
I believe it is important for our children to learn about
 how they can fight off the attacks of Satan. 

To download this PDF, just click on the link below the image.

You Set the Atmosphere

     Each morning we wake our children.  Some kiddos are bright eyed and ready to go, but others would rather put the covers over their head and go back to sleep.  Do you find yourself getting frustrated with those sleepyheads?  

     Do you know that you set the atmosphere for your home each day in those few minutes you spend waking up those little people?  If you are angry and upset, that is the tone for the day.  Your children tend to follow your example and then everyone is cranky and that doesn't make for a productive and peaceful day. 

      I remember having fights with my older kiddos if they wouldn't get out of bed by a certain time.  It made our day miserable because we were not communicating in a positive way.  I was yelling and they were acting out.  I didn't realize that our home's atmosphere would suffer because of those few minutes of grumbling and arguing.   It put us all in a bad mood.  

       After years of doing it wrong, I have finally figured out how to do it right.  Now don't get me wrong, I still have times where I fall back into my old habits.  I am a work in progress and I know I will fail, but the difference is now I recognize when I am starting to fail, and I quickly choose to remedy the issues.  

       Every morning I wake my children up at 8 a.m.   I have found that letting them sleep until 8 makes our mornings go more smoothly.  They kids are not morning people, but we have found a system that works for them and I try to stick to it.   I have a couple of little songs I sing to them in order to wake them up.  It puts smiles on their faces and joy in their hearts.  The day is already off to a good start! 

       We have also implemented a morning routine that keeps them motivated. We eat breakfast, tidy up our bedrooms, get dressed, brush our teeth & hair, then we are off to start school.  Our goal is to start school by 9 a.m.  We usually meet that goal, but if we don't, it's okay.  We don't fret it.  We just begin as soon as we can.  Our first class is Bible class.  That also helps keep an atmosphere of peace in our home.  Learning God's Word together is important to us.  

       I would love to hear how you manage your mornings.  Please leave a comment below and let us know how you are keeping the peace 😊 


Thursday, January 19, 2017

Let's Talk About Where We Love To Learn

     A few years ago we had a schoolroom that we put together in our basement. We thought it was what we wanted.  We decorated it and bought all the necessary furniture. We had everything you would need to teach school at home. 

     It didn't take long for us to figure out that we didn't want to school at home.  We wanted to enjoy learning.  We wanted to be comfortable.  As nice as our schoolroom was, it was not a good fit for us.  It was cold and rigid.  We wanted to be more relaxed and this room did not give us the atmosphere we wanted to learn in.  

     We decided it would be best for us to turn our schoolroom into a family room where the kids could play and have fun with no worries of cleaning up every single day.  They use it here and there, but honestly we love being together, and most days we are upstairs with one another where it is warm and cozy.  

     I love to curl up on the couch with my children and read to them, especially during the cooler months of the year.  We also love to do our devotionals on the couch.  It is so comfy and gives us the relaxed atmosphere we are fond of.  

      Our kitchen table gets used a lot for projects and crafts.  We bought a hearty table that can take a beating so it will last for years even when we have spills and accidents with our art supplies.  So far it has been great!  I just let the kids have fun and I don't worry about the mess.  I have to tell you that is hard for a mama who loves a clean and tidy home, but they are only this age for a short time.  I have learned to appreciate the little things.  

     Recently we found a wonderful dual computer desk for our two younger ones to use. We found it at a local Goodwill store for less than $10.  It is in excellent condition and just what we needed.  It has been a huge blessing for us as they like being together when they do school and when they play computer games.   It sits right across from my desk so I can see them and talk with them. This dual desk makes it much easier for them to take online classes together as there is plenty of space for the two of them to use the computer monitor.  Who would have thought a dual desk would be such an amazing place for them to learn.

        I have taken pleasure in homeschooling for over 19 years, but the last couple of years have been even more of a blessing than before.  It may be because I have finally learned to relax and enjoy life.  I have experience what life can be like if we just appreciate the small accomplishments and move forward with a positive outlook.  I am a work in progress, but I feel I have improved so much in the area of resting in the Lord and not freaking out over every thing that goes wrong in our day.  I pray that I can keep developing an attitude of gratitude and not worry about difficulties that come our way.  

      Where do you like to homeschool?  Was a schoolroom a good fit for you?  Do you like a more relaxed place to learn or are you a more formal homeschooling family?  I would love to hear your answers :) 

Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Let's Get Planning {Free Planner Printables}

     I have been a planner my entire life.  I love to make charts, graphs, and use daily planners.  Over the years I have actually had to give up my desire to plan every minute of every day.  I found that we couldn't be led by God if we were too busy following my plans.  

      I believe there is balance in everything.  I still enjoy planning but I do it on a smaller scale now.   I have a daily planner  and a weekly devotional planner that helps me keep on track.  I leave plenty of time for the Lord to work his plans in my days and for me to be available to those who may need me.  

      It is hard for me to not have a rigid schedule but it was stressing out my family and that was not good for us.  Now we have an agenda to follow and it is more relaxed.  

       Today I want to give you some free printables that will help you to be intentional with your days, but not too strict with your schedule. These printables are designed for you to print out the pages you want to use.  You don't have to print out all the pages in the PDF. I pray these are a blessing to you and your family.  

          To download these free planning pages, just click on the link below the images. 

Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Tick Tock, Tick Tock.... The Character Quality of Punctuality


     Time is so very precious.  I believe it is more precious than silver and gold.  We never know how much time we have left do we?  Each minute needs to be spent like it could be our last.  I want to talk about the character quality of punctuality today.  If we are not punctual, we are not only wasting our time, but the time of others as well. 

      Many times we forget that in our procrastination, we are using the valuable time of those who are waiting for us.  It really comes down to respect for others doesn't it?  If we say we are going to do something or be somewhere at a certain time, we need to have integrity and DO IT!   Be on time!  Being punctual means we value others and their precious time.  

     In order to be punctual we must learn time management. I think there are a few other character qualities we need to discuss, that help us learn to be good managers of our time.  These are orderliness, creativity, and initiative.   

      Organization is the key to orderliness.  When we are organized we are more efficient with our time.  If we are running around searching for things we can't find, due to lack of organization, we tend to be late for events, school, or work.  When our things are organized and tidy, we can find them quickly and we will be able to head out the door on time.  My advice to you is to find a method of organization that works for you and your family.  There are some great books and websites that can help you find ways to keep your homes in order.  One of my favorites websites is OrganizingHomelife.  Here you will find great ideas on organizing every room of your home and some great free printables.  

     Are you creative? Can you think of new ways to complete tasks in order to be more time efficient?  You know your family well, and I am positive you can sit down and come up with a plan that will suit the needs of your family.   Each family is different and that is why we need to be creative in how we approach tasks.  If one way is not working, we must search for new ways to accomplish our duties.  

     Initiative is our eagerness to do something.  We must push ourselves to be punctual.  When we take actions that will drive our families to be on time, they will be!  We can't just sit back and expect them to be motivated.  If we take the lead, and we show them how to be conscientious with their time, they will learn by our example and in turn they will become punctual adults.  This will be a great asset in the workforce!!!  

     If you have trouble being punctual, I encourage you to sit down as a family and come up with a game plan.  Have a plan of action in order for your family to get where they need to be on time. This will take a group effort! You can do it!!!!  It will be worth your time and effort.  

Would you like to read about how we manage time in our home? Here is our post on  Time Management.

Monday, January 16, 2017

Do You Walk the Walk....... {Free Character Study Guide}

       In our home, we have been doing character training since our youngest was just about 2 years old.  I wish I had done this with our older children when they were young, but I just didn't realize the significance of it until I was older.  

     As a young parent I didn't understand that my kids would copy my behaviors more than they would listen to what I had to say. That old saying do as I say and not as I do, is not what God wants us to be preaching to our children.  He wants us to live a life that exhibits godly character so our children can also display these character qualities.  God wants us to be their example of what to do, not of what not to do.   
      Integrity in the Old Testament means “the condition of being without blemish, completeness, perfection, sincerity, soundness, uprightness, wholeness.” Integrity in the New Testament means “honesty and adherence to a pattern of good works.”

     Do you walk in integrity or will you do anything to get ahead?

      I want to walk in integrity. This sometimes means walking away from people or things that may not be godly. It is hard, but if I want to please God instead of being popular with man, then that is what I have to do. In the end, I will stand before Him and give account, and I want to be found faithful.

    It is important, as parents, to be godly examples, as our children are constantly watching us and mimicking our actions.   We want to be a godly model for them. We need to be honest in what we do and say. If we fail, we need to repent and show our children that while we are not perfect we are striving to do what is right.  We want to try our best to do what the Lord has asked us to do.

     So getting back to our question....  Do you walk the walk or just talk the talk? With God's help we can be godly parents for our children.  We can live surrendered lives that are pleasing to our Lord Jesus Christ.


     I have a special download for you to use in your homes/homeschools to help you and your children to study the character qualities that are mentioned in the Bible.  To download the study guide, click on the link below the image.  

     We also have a list of character qualities from A to Z if you would like to begin your study with those traits.  

Friday, January 13, 2017

Free Background Calendars for February

     Today I have some free background calendars for you to download and use for February 2017.  I hope you enjoy them!  


Thursday, January 12, 2017

Marriage.... The Ultimate Roller Coaster of LIfe

     Ladies and gentlemen, marriage is not to be entered into lightly. My husband and I didn't realize the importance of this promise we made until later in our marriage.  It is a covenant between you and God.  It is lifelong commitment.  It is a promise that you must keep.  No matter how many loops, hills, and bumps you encounter, you must stay locked into your seat and brace for the ride.  This ride is an awesome experience and you will be thankful you stayed for the entire adventure.   You can’t let anyone or anything come between you. 

With the marriage vows, comes principles you need to follow.  Did you think of that when you were standing up there before God and your family and friends?  Let’s go over our vows.

I, ___, take you ___, to be my wedded (husband/wife), to have and to hold from this day forward, for better for worse, for richer or poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, until death do us part: according to God's holy ordinance, and thereto I pledge you my love and faithfulness.

To have and to hold from this day forward means we must hold on to one another not others. We have to love each other through good and bad, through times of prosperity and times of poverty.  We must stand with our partner when they are in good health or are sick.  We must adore, appreciate and embrace our partner for LIFE!  Not just until we get tired of one another, or when things get hard.  This roller coaster of marriage is one that once you get on, you stay buckled up for the ride.  Cling to each other, scream together, laugh together, and enjoy the trip. 

Did you know that God wrote us a marriage handbook?  There are many verses in the Bible that tell us how to make this work. 

We are going to start out with the ladies.  What is required of us as wives?  God has it laid out for us in a few verses. 

An excellent wife who can find?   She is far more precious than jewels. The heart of her husband trusts in her, and he will have no lack of gain.  She does him good, and not harm, all the days of her life.  ~ Proverbs 31:10-12

As wives, we must be precious in the sight of our husbands.  He must be able to trust us and rely on us to have his back when things get bumpy.  We must build him up and not tear him down with our words.  He should never hear of things we say behind his back that bring him harm.  We need to be loyal and loving towards him. 

Wives, submit to your own husbands, as to the Lord ~ Ephesians 5:22

Wives, submit to your husbands, as is fitting in the Lord. ~ Colossians 3:18

We must be submissive to our husbands.  That word always sends women into a tizzy.  This word doesn’t mean we are our husband’s slaves.  It means that we willing comply with what they ask of us.  We do this not for man’s honor but for God’s.  We are to obey our husband’s until it goes against God’s word. Ladies we must show our husbands respect.  They need to know that we honor them even when they are not around.  We must learn to control our tongues and attitudes.  Our response to them is our responsibility.  We can’t blame anyone but ourselves for our actions and words.  Pray daily that God will teach you to have self-control and a kind attitude towards your husband no matter what is going on.

 Now, I realize there are women who are in bad relationships right now reading this and thinking is this lady nuts?  I can’t respect a man who hits me or verbally abuses me.  To you ladies, I say this:  I pray for you every day.  I know it is hard to flee from a relationship like this but I encourage you to seek help and to get away from anyone who is harming you.  This post is geared towards couples in a loving relationship and that is why I am saying we need to be submissive to our God fearing husbands.  

     Then the Lord God said, “It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper who is just right for him.” ~Genesis 2:18

     We are to be a helpmeet for our husbands.  We are here to encourage, uplift and help our husbands.  It's important for us to be there for them.  We can aide them in tasks and support them as they provide for our families.  When they are worn down, we can help them to rest and relax.  Give them your love and your attention. 

      I believe our main role as their helper is to pray for them day and night.  The prayer of a wife is powerful! When we pray it opens doors for God to do a good work in us. God wants to work in our marriages.  He wants to strengthen us as a couple.  He wants us to work as a team.  He makes our marriage strong!  

Now let’s move onto the husband’s role in the marriage.

Husbands, love your wives, as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her. ~ Ephesians 5:25

Husbands, love your wives, and do not be harsh with them. ~ Colossians 3:19

Men, you have to show love to your wife.  You must fill her love tank on a daily basis.  This means you need to first figure out what makes your wife feel loved.  Does she like gifts? Does she like hugs?  Does she like you to do the dishes? These are just a few questions you can ask yourself to figure out what makes your wife feel like you really love and care for her.  Watch her, study her.  See what makes her smile the most.  Go out of your way to show her how much you adore her.  Do not speak to her with harsh words.  Instead use words that will show you love her even when you are correcting her or asking her to do something.  You will get a much better response. 

Likewise, husbands, live with your wives in an understanding way, showing honor to the woman as the weaker vessel, since they are heirs with you of the grace of life, so that your prayers may not be hindered.  ~ 1 Peter 3:7

Always try to be understanding with your wife.  She is built differently than you.  She has different outlooks on things.  You and her think very differently, so take that into consideration when you have conversations.   Let her talk through things even when you already have a solution in mind.  Put her needs above your own. 

Therefore a man shall leave his father and mother and hold fast to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh.  ~ Ephesians 5:31

This verse is saying that men need to leave and cleave.  Men, your wives are now priority over your parents and siblings.  You cannot run home to them every time you feel things are not going well.  Your wife must take the place of your mother.  She will feel inferior if you do not make this adjustment.  Men you can honor your mother and father without putting them over your new household.  You are now one with your wife.  You must work things out as a couple. 

Wow, that was a lot to think on huh?  I even got a little convicted writing that.  As a wife, I have come a long way, but I know I still have a long ways to go.  Early on in my marriage it was all about me.  What I could get from it and how could this man make me happy.  Oh, was that a mess!  We fought like cats and dogs because we were both selfish. 

I can tell you today, we are learning that the more selfless we are, the happier we become.  The more we look for ways to serve each other, the less we argue and fight.  If you are in a marriage where the two of you refuse to serve, I would highly recommend for you to change your perspective.  Giving of yourself not only pleases God it pleases your partner and then they too become more willing to give up their selfish attitudes. 

Tonight, sit down and discuss ways you can make your marriage stronger.  Here are a few questions to get you started:

1.  How can I make you feel more love/respected?

2.   Are there areas where you feel neglected?

3.   Do you feel like I am too selfish, and if I am, what areas do I need to work on?

I am contributing over @ The Family Roadmap today.  Please 
come over and check out my post. 

Tuesday, January 10, 2017

A Mom's Fail After a Long Winter Break

     I don't know about you but getting my kids back to our normal routine after taking a break for more than a couple of days is not an easy task.  I have been struggling for a week now.  During our winter break, they were staying up about 2 hours later than usual and getting them to sleep on time this past week has been a fail.  I always say I am going to keep them on schedule during our breaks, but then things happen and we end up having late night game sessions or guests over that get us off routine.  

     So last night I started to think that I was fretting over something that I could easily remedy by allowing our family to ease back into our routines instead of expecting it to happen overnight.  Instead of fighting with them, I could move their bedtimes back 30 minutes each night until we get back on track. That would also fix our morning routine as well.  So why didn't I think of this last week? Oh I remember... it is that perfectionist rearing her thoughts again. I just wanted to get back to work, but I wasn't thinking of the kids.  I wanted my routine back, yet it was not happening.  I was just causing frustration.  

      I woke up this morning knowing what I needed to do and the kids are going to be glad that mom finally thought this through. Even after 19 years of homeschooling, I am learning!  We will be easing back into our normal routine and if all goes well, we will be back on track by this weekend.  WIN!  No more fussing and mom will not lose her temper.  

     Today they will be waking up a little later than normal but I think that will help them function better.  I want to them to be able to do school well, and I believe sleep helps that happen.  I will be apologizing for allowing them to get off routine then expecting them to hop back on immediately.  It wasn't their fault that I let them stay up late for over 2 weeks.  I will also apologize for getting so frustrated and I will tell them we will work together as a team to get back on track.

     Another big mistake I made during our return to the school schedule was expecting them to jump right back at the books and be happy about it.  They are kids and they love to play and have fun, and as fun as I try to make school, it doesn't compete with video games, toys and television.  They needed to be transitioned back gradually, but again I wanted my routine NOW,  so we have been struggling with school.  I am going to correct this today too. We are going to do some hands on activities for science and history and play a couple of learning games for spelling and math.  I know this will be fun for them and will assist us in getting back to our norm without us feeling irritated.  

     So I have made myself I checklist that I can follow after we have had a long break and I would like to share it with you.  

      I will learn from my mistakes and I will be following my checklist from now on!  

      Do you have some ideas in helping homeschooling families to ease back into normal routines after a long break?  I would love to hear from you!  

Friday, January 6, 2017

For Such A Time As This.... {Free Study of Esther}

     I can read the book of Esther over and over again.  This book has a love story, drama, adventure, and mystery.  I have learned so much from reading this book of the Bible.  

    Esther has many decisions to make just like women of today.  We can choose to live a life of surrender to God at all costs or we can choose to live a life of selfish ambition.  As you study this book you will see how Esther was willing to lay down her life for the good of her people.  She is obedient to God even in the face of adversity.  Her courage is weaved throughout the book.  

    As I contemplate her willingness to put her faith above her fears, I pray to have that same strength when I am faced with decisions that cause me to be afraid.  I ask God to make be brave so I can endure hardships that may come when I choose to serve Him over pleasing man.  

     Are you determined to live a life that is pleasing to your Heavenly Father even if it may cost you everything?  Are you willing to lay down your life for Him?  These are questions we must ask ourselves since there may come a day when we must choose.  It isn't easy to think about, but there may come a time when we are forced to choose God or our lives. If we can't stand up for Him today, in a time when we are not yet being persecuted for our beliefs, then how will we be able to stand up for Him when our faith is being put on trial? 

      There are many Christians who have had to choose God over their next breath.  They chose to believe that this life is temporary and that their true home is in heaven with their Savior.  Could you make that decision today?  Are you ready to choose Him over everything this world has to offer?  If you have not yet given your life to Christ, please contact me and I would be happy to pray with you and for you.  

       Today I have a free study for you to download and use for your own personal Bible study.  I pray it is a blessing to you and your family.