
Thursday, January 19, 2017

Let's Talk About Where We Love To Learn

     A few years ago we had a schoolroom that we put together in our basement. We thought it was what we wanted.  We decorated it and bought all the necessary furniture. We had everything you would need to teach school at home. 

     It didn't take long for us to figure out that we didn't want to school at home.  We wanted to enjoy learning.  We wanted to be comfortable.  As nice as our schoolroom was, it was not a good fit for us.  It was cold and rigid.  We wanted to be more relaxed and this room did not give us the atmosphere we wanted to learn in.  

     We decided it would be best for us to turn our schoolroom into a family room where the kids could play and have fun with no worries of cleaning up every single day.  They use it here and there, but honestly we love being together, and most days we are upstairs with one another where it is warm and cozy.  

     I love to curl up on the couch with my children and read to them, especially during the cooler months of the year.  We also love to do our devotionals on the couch.  It is so comfy and gives us the relaxed atmosphere we are fond of.  

      Our kitchen table gets used a lot for projects and crafts.  We bought a hearty table that can take a beating so it will last for years even when we have spills and accidents with our art supplies.  So far it has been great!  I just let the kids have fun and I don't worry about the mess.  I have to tell you that is hard for a mama who loves a clean and tidy home, but they are only this age for a short time.  I have learned to appreciate the little things.  

     Recently we found a wonderful dual computer desk for our two younger ones to use. We found it at a local Goodwill store for less than $10.  It is in excellent condition and just what we needed.  It has been a huge blessing for us as they like being together when they do school and when they play computer games.   It sits right across from my desk so I can see them and talk with them. This dual desk makes it much easier for them to take online classes together as there is plenty of space for the two of them to use the computer monitor.  Who would have thought a dual desk would be such an amazing place for them to learn.

        I have taken pleasure in homeschooling for over 19 years, but the last couple of years have been even more of a blessing than before.  It may be because I have finally learned to relax and enjoy life.  I have experience what life can be like if we just appreciate the small accomplishments and move forward with a positive outlook.  I am a work in progress, but I feel I have improved so much in the area of resting in the Lord and not freaking out over every thing that goes wrong in our day.  I pray that I can keep developing an attitude of gratitude and not worry about difficulties that come our way.  

      Where do you like to homeschool?  Was a schoolroom a good fit for you?  Do you like a more relaxed place to learn or are you a more formal homeschooling family?  I would love to hear your answers :) 

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