
Wednesday, August 5, 2020


Disclaimer: I received a FREE copy of this product through the HOMESCHOOL REVIEW CREW in exchange for my honest review. I was not required to write a positive review nor was I compensated in any other way.

     With the Presidential Elections just around the corner, I was so happy to be able to receive and review U.S. Elections Lap-Pak from Home School in the Woods. This will most likely be the last study we will be able to use from this amazing company as our youngest is growing up quickly and getting too old for their wonderful hands-on studies.  

      The hands-on activities in these projects are a great way to keep your child focused on the subject you are learning about.  I love how you can adapt these studies for many age ranges.  This particular study could be done by doing a lap-book, a booklet format, or a full-size binder format.  We chose the last one.  We still were able to do the hands-on projects, but we display them in a different way. 

    The  U.S. Elections Lap-Pak is very unique. It is geared towards grades 3-8.  You will learn all about the election process and how the government works.  There are 21 Project Masters.  Each has an audio lesson for you to listen to or you can read it for yourself.  We decided to listen to the audios as we read along.  The projects are fun but educational.  Here is the list of sections you will be learning about:
  • Definition of election
  • Different forms of Government
  • The American experiment
  • The 3 Branches of Government
  • Suffrage
  • Who do we vote for?
  • Terms of office
  • A handful of political parties
  • Caucuses and primaries 
  • National conventions
  • The Presidential Campaign
       - Platform
       - Stump Speaking
       - Media
       - Campaign Advertising
  • Raising Money
  • Statistics
  • Election day
  • The Electoral College
  • Inauguration day
  • The Electoral Race
  • The Vocabinet

     I feel that Hope learned quite a bit about the election process that she didn't know before.  The lessons are detailed but also fun because you get to be creative as you go along.  She loves to color, draw, and put things together, so anytime you can bring those things into other subjects, she is a happy girl.  

     I asked her what her favorite part of making this notebook was and she said learning about how the presidential candidates campaign for the elections.  She had no idea that so much thought and energy went into getting votes.  She said it seemed like a lot of hard work for many people especially the candidates who had to give endless speeches.  I asked her if she would ever want to do something like this and she said "No, I am too afraid of speaking to lots of people like they have to do".  

    If you have a student who enjoys learning with hands-on activities that bring out their creative side, then Home School in the Woods would be a great tool for your homeschool.  Would you like to know more about them? I would encourage you to check out their website and social media pages listed below:

We also have more reviews of this resource and many others over on the Homeschool Review Crew website. Just click the link below:

Election Lap-Pak, Benjamin Franklin, Timeline Collection, Time Travelers U.S.History and Make-A-State Activity-Pak {Home School in the Woods Reviews}

Homeschool in the Woods is running a giveaway until the end of August 2020.  Giveaway: A free copy of our Greek Life! File Folder Game when you use the code TOSGameNight at checkout. No purchase necessary.

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