
Wednesday, April 8, 2020


Disclaimer: I received a FREE copy of this product through the HOMESCHOOL REVIEW CREW in exchange for my honest review. I was not required to write a positive review nor was I compensated in any other way.

     Music has always been a wonderful resource to calm my children and to soothe them day or night. I was excited to receive and review Preborn Prodigy about a month ago.  I couldn't wait to listen to each CD.  I had no idea how much I would be blessed by them.  

     Preborn Prodigy has made these albums to help God's children to get closer to Him.  They are unique.  They speak words of life with music in the background.  They relax your body, soul, and mind.  They remind you of God's truths.  Each track is special and designed to use all your senses.                                                                        

     We were given 3 CDs to review.  The first one is  Prayers and Blessings for the Unborn Child. Scientific research shows that children, even while in the womb, can respond to emotional and physical events.  As a mom, I know I would have loved to be able to have my little one listen to these while in the womb.  They are soothing and teach them that they are God's creation.  They are loved by Him and He will always be there for them.  They have a purpose and calling on their life even before they are born.  

     The second CD is Prayers and Blessings Newborn to 99This one is created for newborns to people of any age.  Newborn Prodigy provides answers to life questions such as spiritual growth, identity in Christ, salvation, and destiny.  The relaxing music and calming voice bring you to a place of peace.  I have been listening to it every morning to help calm my soul as these can be trying times right now.  God has been reminding me that He is there.  He is in control and I just need to have faith in Him.  I love the scriptures that declare life and hope to us. 

     The final CD is Math Prodigy  My daughter loves music and was thrilled to try this out. She has already mastered addition and subtraction but this CD also helps your child understand multiplication, division, fractions, decimals, and order of operation.  The creator of this album wants to teach these concepts so that your child will not only learn them but also have a healthy response to these math skills. Hope said it was definitely a different way of teaching and she enjoyed listening to it during her math classes. She said she felt calmer while working on her math workbook and that it helped to keep her focused.  I wish we would have had these CDs when all my kids were younger.  

     I would encourage you to check out the Preborn Prodigy website and their social media pages listed below: 

     We also have more reviews of this resource over on the Homeschool Review Crew site. Just click the link below 

Prayers & Blessings for the Unborn Child, Blessings Newborn to 99 & Math Prodigy  {Preborn Prodigy Reviews}

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