
Wednesday, April 29, 2020

HOMESCHOOL REVIEW CREW: OUR REVIEW OF The Hidden Message of the Great Seal

Disclaimer: I received a FREE copy of this product through the HOMESCHOOL REVIEW CREW in exchange for my honest review. I was not required to write a positive review nor was I compensated in any other way.

     For years, my son has been intrigued by our Nation's History. He has read so many books on the subject, I couldn't begin to list them all. He was thrilled to find out we were chosen to receive and review The Hidden Message of the Great Seal How Foundational Truth From The Dawn Of Liberty May Rescue A Republic In Peril from The Hidden Message, LLC.  He began reading the day it arrived. 

     This book is written by a man named Michael Kanis. He is a businessman that has traveled the world and due to his success, has been able to write this amazing book. He is a husband and father of 3. He is a man of faith and believes each Christian has a role to fulfill in this life. His strong convictions are evident on every page of this book. The mission of this book is stated like this:  "What you will discover when you read the book is that there is a mission and calling for each American. This calling includes the trust that has been inherited as a keeper of the republic to be sure, but it is even bigger than that. This mission is for you; it is a call to extend your light to the whole world."  Those are some powerful words!

     This is a softback book with 256 pages of true History.  It is broken down into 24 sections. It begins with an introduction and ends with a conclusion. The pages are filled with beautiful images that will grasp the focus of your children.  Each image brings the story to life. I myself sat down and looked through each page just to check out the wonderful pictures included to help tell the story of our Great Seal. 

     Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Jefferson, and John Adams are the ones who "wrote" the Seal and it was finalized by Charles Thomson. These heroes of the Revolutionary War played a huge part in obtaining the freedoms we have today. They invested a lot of time coming up with the Great Seal for our nation. For the first time, the secrets behind the seal are being revealed as you read through the pages of this book. Michael Kanis takes you on many adventures as you discover the hidden messages of the Seal.  

     Kanis explores clues the lead us clear back to the times of Moses. From the Pyramids to the painting of the Sistine Chapel, you will be given pieces of the puzzle at every turn.  By the end of this adventure, you will begin to see the crucial message coming through. 

     I asked my son what he enjoyed most about this book and he said:
     "I love the way History and mystery come together on each page. It kept my attention because I wanted to know more and more about how our forefathers thought through things. They were very intelligent men who wanted the best for our country. They wanted the men and women who live here to serve God while they build a nation that would continue to serve God in the future.  I had no idea what went into making the Seal or the thought behind each symbol.  I can't wait to finish it!" 

     Do you have a child who loves History?  Would you like to know more about what our Great Seal means?  I would encourage you to check out this amazing book!  

     You can get more information for this book on their website: The Hidden Message of the Great Seal How Foundational Truth From The Dawn Of Liberty May Rescue A Republic In Peril 

     We also have a great offer to tell you about.  Here is a coupon for 50% off the price of the book if you purchase it from their website before May 30, 2020.  Just click on the image below and enter the coupon code during checkout. ⇊

We also have more reviews for this book over on the Homeschool Review Crew site.  Just click on the image below 👇👇👇

The Hidden Message of the Great Seal {The Hidden Message, LLC Reviews}

Friday, April 24, 2020

HOMESCHOOL REVIEW CREW: Our Review of 30 Prophecies: One Story

Disclaimer: I received a FREE copy of this product through the HOMESCHOOL REVIEW CREW in exchange for my honest review. I was not required to write a positive review nor was I compensated in any other way.

     The past month or so has been hard for many families, ours included.  We have been trying hard to make the best of it.  I was thrilled to receive 30 Prophecies: One Story from Christian Focus. Right away I knew this book would be a great fit for our devotions leading up to Easter.  Our daughter Hope, who is 12, read a chapter to us each evening as we worked on keeping our focus on Christ during the weeks leading up to this wonderful holiday. 

     This book is geared towards children ages 5-12, but I felt it was a blessing to our entire family. It is hardback and very appealing to the eye. In this book, Paul Reynolds, the author, will be teaching you about the prophecy of Jesus Christ and what He would do for God's children.  The stories are told through a conversation that Jesus had with 2 travelers.  He was trying to help them understand God's Word and prophecy.

     Each chapter has a unique story to tell and includes:
  • The prophet and dates who made each prophecy
  • What the prophecy was all about
  • What the prophecy meant to those who heard it
  • How Jesus fulfilled each one
  • How we see God's salvation plan
  • How to apply God's Word to our lives
  • How to communicate with our Father in Heaven

     I love the illustrations throughout the book, especially the timeline. There are 30 chapters to read along with an introduction, key memory verses, and character profiles. It is broken down into 3 categories: From The Fall To King David, Major And Minor Prophets, and Prophecies Made By Jesus About Himself. 

     This book can be used for personal Bible study time as well as a family devotional time. Each chapter will have your child intrigued to read the next. It answers so many questions and gives you an understanding of Biblical prophecy like I have never seen before. Even our teen son said he learned so much from hearing this read to us and is now reading through it again on his own. 

     I would encourage you to check out this amazing book for yourself over on the Christian Focus website.  They have this book along with many others such as Psalms for my Day and Not If, But When.

     You can also learn more about this company on their social media pages listed below: 

     We have more reviews for you over on the Homeschool Review Crew site. Just click on the image below to read many more reviews from real families.

Psalms for my Day, 30 Prophecies: One Story & Not If, But When {Christian Focus Reviews}

Friday, April 17, 2020

Can Others Count On You?

     Today I want to talk about the character quality of dependability. The Bible describes a dependable person as a faithful person.  They are willing to do what it takes to fulfill the will of God.  The are trustworthy, honest, and sincere.  We know this character quality is important because of the verse found in Matthew 25:21.  

     Here Jesus tells us a parable where a man is praised for being a good and faithful servant.  This parable was used to show us how we are to be conscientious with that the Lord has given to us.  We are to use the gifts He has entrusted to us to glorify Him.  Once we learn to be faithful in the little things, God will trust us with more and more.  

     When we are dependable, others know they can count on us.  We will keep our word.  We will be on time. We will try to make good and wise decisions.  We will do our best to keep promises we make.  People will know that we will not purposely fail them. 

     How do people view you?  Are you reliable or irresponsible?  Do you make excuses for not carrying through with what you said you would do? Can the Lord depend on you to accomplish what He has set before you? 

      If you answered no to any of the questions above you will need to work on this character quality.  Sit down and ask the Lord to help you see where you are failing in this area, and then ask Him to help you to develop this trait.  We all get into bad habits, but with God's help and some self-control we can change. God can help us to work on being dependable and faithful servants.  

     I think this is one of the most important character qualities that we can teach our children. If they learn to be a reliable person, then they will succeed.  Maybe not always in the world's eyes, but in God's eyes they will be a fruitful man or woman.

     One great way to teach this quality is giving our children tasks and allowing them to finish them on their own.  Let them use their own abilities and wisdom to get the job done.  It's important to give them a time when you expect the job to be completed.  Now comes the hard part.  Walk away and let them learn to become dependable! If they succeed, praise them.  If they fail, sit down with them and explain what they did (or didn't do) was wrong.  Give them another chance to resolve the issue.  This is one trait that can only be developed through testing.  We have to choose to do the right thing!

    As I write this, I see that I can improve in this area.  Can you?


Thursday, April 9, 2020


Disclaimer: I received a FREE copy of this product through the HOMESCHOOL REVIEW CREW in exchange for my honest review. I was not required to write a positive review nor was I compensated in any other way.

     My daughter Hope was 6 years old when she became very fascinated with horses.  We would take her to friend's farms to pet and ride them on occasion and her little face would just light up. Now she is 12 and still very much interested in horses and we hope one day we will be able to get her one.  When we were chosen for this review, she was so excited. She loves learning about horses and their history. History on Horseback: The Early Years from Sonrise Stable Books is a great book for students who love horses, even those who don't love history like Hope.  


     When the package arrived Hope was eager to open it.  There was the cutest little horse sticker on the outside that made it even more intriguing to open. The book itself is a softcover, but very durable.  Hope has been taking it with her outside to read every day and it is holding up very well.  There are 53 short chapters that are easy to read.  The book is filled with black and white photos to go along with each chapter.  At the end of this book, you will get a sneak peek into the second book as well. 

     History on Horseback: The Early Years begins with the year 1493 and goes to 1866. It begins with the horses' arrival in America and ends with how they were used in the Civil War. This book does a wonderful job of teaching history through the times while riding on horseback.  The writer wants your child to discover little gold nuggets of history as they dig through stories of how horses were right alongside their owners as history unfolds. A very unique way of telling these amazing history lessons.  This non-fiction book is a  good fit for ages 12 and up.  

     Hope just finished her US History book, so this book arrived at a perfect time to fill in her History lessons for the rest of the year.  She has been reading a few chapters a week since we got it and I have to say, she hasn't complained once.  This is huge for her since she usually doesn't care for History lessons at all.  She is an artist and would rather be drawing and painting instead of reading about past events.  

    I asked Hope what her favorite story has been so far and she said it was the one on Fighting for Independence. This story is about the horse who belonged to George Washington during the American Revolution. His horse's name was Nelson and rode with him for many years. In this chapter, she learned how the horses helped the men to fight the battles by carrying supplies.  She said she saw how much courage it took to fight these battles.  Both the men and horses saw many things that no one should see, but together they made it through.  

     Do you have a student who loves horses or history or both?  This would be a great resource to have in your homeschooling library.  I know Hope is enjoying every chapter and is wanting me to purchase Volumes 2 and 3 when they arrive on Sonrise Stables' website sometime this year and next.  

     Would you like to learn more about this book?  I would encourage you to check out the Sonrise Stable Books website and their social media pages below:

We also have more reviews for you over on the Homeschool Review Crew website. Just click on the link below.

History on Horseback: The Early Years {Sonrise Stable Books Reviews}

Wednesday, April 8, 2020


Disclaimer: I received a FREE copy of this product through the HOMESCHOOL REVIEW CREW in exchange for my honest review. I was not required to write a positive review nor was I compensated in any other way.

     Music has always been a wonderful resource to calm my children and to soothe them day or night. I was excited to receive and review Preborn Prodigy about a month ago.  I couldn't wait to listen to each CD.  I had no idea how much I would be blessed by them.  

     Preborn Prodigy has made these albums to help God's children to get closer to Him.  They are unique.  They speak words of life with music in the background.  They relax your body, soul, and mind.  They remind you of God's truths.  Each track is special and designed to use all your senses.                                                                        

     We were given 3 CDs to review.  The first one is  Prayers and Blessings for the Unborn Child. Scientific research shows that children, even while in the womb, can respond to emotional and physical events.  As a mom, I know I would have loved to be able to have my little one listen to these while in the womb.  They are soothing and teach them that they are God's creation.  They are loved by Him and He will always be there for them.  They have a purpose and calling on their life even before they are born.  

     The second CD is Prayers and Blessings Newborn to 99This one is created for newborns to people of any age.  Newborn Prodigy provides answers to life questions such as spiritual growth, identity in Christ, salvation, and destiny.  The relaxing music and calming voice bring you to a place of peace.  I have been listening to it every morning to help calm my soul as these can be trying times right now.  God has been reminding me that He is there.  He is in control and I just need to have faith in Him.  I love the scriptures that declare life and hope to us. 

     The final CD is Math Prodigy  My daughter loves music and was thrilled to try this out. She has already mastered addition and subtraction but this CD also helps your child understand multiplication, division, fractions, decimals, and order of operation.  The creator of this album wants to teach these concepts so that your child will not only learn them but also have a healthy response to these math skills. Hope said it was definitely a different way of teaching and she enjoyed listening to it during her math classes. She said she felt calmer while working on her math workbook and that it helped to keep her focused.  I wish we would have had these CDs when all my kids were younger.  

     I would encourage you to check out the Preborn Prodigy website and their social media pages listed below: 

     We also have more reviews of this resource over on the Homeschool Review Crew site. Just click the link below 

Prayers & Blessings for the Unborn Child, Blessings Newborn to 99 & Math Prodigy  {Preborn Prodigy Reviews}