
Monday, May 25, 2020

Jesus Gives Rest To the Weary

     Good morning!  I am going to be addressing all the moms out there who are feeling weary.  Do you feel like all your hard work is going unnoticed and unappreciated?  We plan and schedule, we serve our families day in and day out, we are on the go constantly, but does anyone notice the sacrifices we make to be the best moms we can??? 

      I will tell you that the Lord notices.  He sees our hearts.  He sees us working each day to train our children to be godly men and women.  He knows how much we love our families and He blesses us in ways we can't even begin to imagine.  God loves us! 

     When we start feeling weary, we need to learn to lean on Him for strength.  Going to friends to talk is good, but first, we must learn to go to God.  He understands us more than anyone.  He knows what we go through each day and He wants to help us.  Instead of complaining to our friends, we can talk with God and ask Him to see us through.  Ask Him for guidance.  Cry out to Jesus and He will stand beside us.  

     I use to run to my friends every time I had a problem at home.  Rather it was disobedient children or a neglectful husband, I would go to friends first for their advice.  The problem with that was, I was going to women who had the same issues, so we would just have a pity party together.  Nothing was being solved, we were just feeling sorry for ourselves.  When we go to God, He lifts us up and out of our pity.  When we allow Him to, He shows us how to solve our issues and He is there with us while we are obeying Him.  Prayer is truly the answer for a weary heart.  

    It was hard for me to stop turning to my friends and start turning to God, but I see now that it made all the difference in the world.  I am not saying we shouldn't confide in friends at all, but it is how we confide in them that makes it more productive.  Instead of gossiping about our children and husbands, we should just simply ask our friends to pray for us.  God knows our needs.  We do not need to speak them aloud.  

     I know this concept will be hard to accept at first, but from one mom to another, I want to tell you that it works!    God can accomplish so much in our lives as we learn to obey Him and lean on Him. Keep doing what you know is right.  Ask the Lord for His strength and guidance.  You will see that you will feel stronger each day!!!  

     I would like to pray for you today.  If you have any prayer requests please feel free to comment here or message me on our facebook page.  

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