
Monday, January 18, 2021

It's Monday.... A New Start

       It's Monday and a new day!  Each day we are given can be considered a fresh start.  We can do things better than we did them yesterday.  We can be kinder, listen more attentively, and love more than the day before.  No matter what is in our past, we can start anew with the rising of the sun.  When God wakes us up, it is an opportunity to begin again.  Put the past behind you and allow God to use you for His purpose.  

       Satan will always try to remind us of our past mistakes in order to keep us from growing in the Lord.  He will use man's harsh words or that word of gossip behind our backs to suppress us from doing the work that the Lord has placed before us.  My daddy always said that if the devil is not messing with you, you need to worry, because he only attacks those who he worries is doing good for the kingdom of God.  

I have this little note hanging on my wall next to my bed.  It reminds me to enjoy each day to the fullest!

       This week we have some deep cleaning planned.  I love to organize and refresh our home.  We clean areas that are forgotten week to week.  We let go of things that we no longer use.  We make room for new and exciting things.  When I thought about deep cleaning our home, it reminded me of what we need to do in our spiritual lives everyday.  We need to have a time of refreshment for our souls. We need to spend time in God's Word and praying each and every day.   We must choose to forget what lies behind and press forward to what lies ahead of us.  We must let go of any guilt and condemnation that the devil throws our way.  God has made us new!  We must remind ourselves to "clean" our mind and hearts on a daily basis.  

       Today I want to encourage you to give God your past.  Don't allow Satan to use it against you one more day.  Today is a new beginning!   God has a good plan for you!!!!  Let your children see you live a life of freedom in Christ.  Let them know that they too can be free in Him.  

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