
Tuesday, April 2, 2019

5 Ways to Stay Close as a Couple

     In the last few years, I have watched two of my children fall in love and get married.  Watching their young love blossom has been a reminder of how my husband and I fell in love. Back then I never thought there would be anything that would get in the way of our relationship, but as the years rolled on, we allowed things to take priority over our relationship. 

     When you first get married, it is easy to find time to be alone. You go on date nights. You snuggle in front of the TV and watch romantic movies.  You focus on each other and that is great! So what happens when life gets in the way of your relationship with your spouse? 

      Usually, the first thing to come between a couple is children.  When that baby comes home, you tend to focus on him or her and your spouse gets lost in the shuffle of everyday life. You don't mean for it to happen it just does. 

      Another wedge that comes between a couple is careers.  One or both of you begin to spend more and more time at work and less time with each other. You don't even realize how it is hurting your marriage until you no longer feel close to your husband or wife. 

      I have been married to my high school sweetheart for over 24 years and I know we have had times in our marriage where we felt like strangers.  We never thought that it could happen to us, but it did.  In those times of disconnection, we would fight more.  Our hearts were hard towards one another.  Resentment had taken the place of the romance. Unkind words filled the air. We didn't have the closeness our hearts longed for.

     Don't get me wrong, we still loved each other, but we were not communicating it, and that left us with unfilled love tanks.  We had to realize what was going on and fix it!

      I would like to share 5 ways to stay close as a couple. Even when life gets busy, we must find time to stay connected with our spouse.
  1.  Do devotions together every morning or evening.  Growing closer to God will bring you closer as a couple. A couple that prays together, stays together.
  2.  Take 15 minutes every day to sit down and talk. Be open and honest with each other. 
  3.   Set aside one day a month spend time with each other, just the two of you.  Go on a date night or simply take a walk or go for coffee. If you can't afford a babysitter, find another couple that would be able to watch your kiddos, then do the same for them. 
  4.   Always kiss each other hello and goodbye. 
  5.   Say I love you often! Don't' let one day go by without letting your husband or wife know that you love and care for them.  Those three words are powerful!!!
   I encourage you to begin today! Don't let one more day go by without letting your mate know how much you love them and that you long to be close to them.  I am praying for you and your marriages.  What God has joined together, let no man separate.  


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