
Thursday, March 14, 2019

Do You Finish What You Start?

     Do you know that whatever we are doing should be done for the glory of God?  Does that change your perspective on how you do things? 

     Thoroughness is a character quality that is not popular.  We tend to overlook this one.  The definition of thorough is to complete a task while paying attention to detail.  Sometimes we fail to do things with excellence.  We just do it to get it done.  We don't mind our task being done with mediocrity, as long as we can say it is finished.  

     What if everything we do was carried out expecting God to inspect and approve it?  Would we put more effort into it?  In the book of Colossians, chapter 3, verse 23 we read: Whatever you do, do it heartily, as to the Lord and not to men.  Each task we put our hands to should be done with the understanding that we should want to please God not man.  If we only do our best when someone is watching, then we are trying to please man, not God.  

     We also need to think about this character quality of thoroughness when it comes to our spiritual life.  Do we give God our best or what is left over?  As we do our devotions and pray, are we just going through the motions or does God have our complete attention?  God deserves our utmost consideration.  When we put God first, He will strengthen us and guide us in everything we do. 

     So next time you set out to complete a task, think about this:

  •  Would God be pleased with my attitude towards this job?
  •  Would God be happy with my work? 
  •  Did I complete this task with excellence or mediocrity?
  •  Did I leave anything out that someone else will have to finish for me or clean up?
  •  Am I committed to do everything as to the Lord and not man?
     Next time you sit down to spend time with the Lord ask yourself this one question:  Am I giving God the best or just the rest of me that is left over after I do everything else? 

     If we want our kids to learn this character quality, we must illustrate it for them every day.  We also need to remind them that whatever they do should be done with the knowledge that God is always watching and we want to please Him.  Even when mom and dad are not looking over their shoulders, making sure their work is done correctly and completely, they should realize that God is there and He has given us the ability to do our work with excellence and expects us to do our best not our least.  

     Are you ready to be thorough? 
  Remember a job is never really complete unless it is done right! 

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