
Monday, February 11, 2019

Good Morning!

     Good morning!  I hope you are having a blessed weekend.

     This morning when I woke up, I looked out to see more snow that had fallen overnight.  We have been getting quite a bit of snow this month and even had a very cold patch that closed schools and some businesses.  When we get snow and ice like this it builds up on our slate roof.  When it begins to melt it makes sounds that can be frightening if you are not expecting them.  These snow storms have caused this to happen many times this last week. 

      When the ice first fell off, it was late at night. My children ran upstairs to my bedroom, and I wondered what had scared them, but they were not scared, they were wanting to go out and pick up the huge chunk of ice that had fallen.  I chuckled as I remembered being their ages and not liking the storms and weird noises that I had heard as a child.  These kiddos don't fear the same things I use to, because they know they are protected by the very One who created them.  I wish we could all have faith like them.  

     Each day we go through different types of storms. These storms may be attacks against us physically, emotionally or spiritually.  We fear what will happen.  We don't put our trust in God. Instead we try to find ways to cope with the turmoil.  It doesn't help us, it just masks the fear we are feeling.  

      What if we turned to God instead of earthy things?  What if we allowed Him to be our strong tower in times of upheaval.  Storms are always going to roll in, but it is how we handle them that makes us grow stronger or become weak. 

      As I sat here reading my Bible this morning, I saw that I need to take refuge in my God.  He is good and will be there for me.  He will help me through the storms.  He will never leave me or forsake me.  His promises are true!   I just have to put my faith in Him.

     Today is the beginning of a new week.  Let's resolve to put God first in all we do and say.  Let's be determined to put our faith in Him and to run to Him when we feel the storms of life rolling in. His love will cast out all our fears and His guidance will see us through whatever may come our way.  

       Are you ready to begin this week with a new perspective? 

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