
Friday, August 17, 2018

Homeschool Review Crew: Our Review of God Schooling

     Have you ever asked the question "Am I doing this right?"  I know I have more times than I can remember.  Homeschooling is such a blessing, but it can be quite intimidating as well.  I was so thrilled to be able to review the book God Schooling: How God Intended Children to Learn from author Julie Polanco.  I knew this book would be full of encouragement and wisdom from this wonderful homeschooling mama. 

     Julie Polanco is a mother of 4 and has homeschooled them from the time they started school.  She had her first graduate in 2016, so you can be confident she has seen it all.  Her knowledge and honesty comes shining through as you read how she has struggled and thrived in her endeavor to school her children at home.  She is real.  I love how open she is and how she doesn't pretend to have it all together.  She leans on Christ daily in order to have the strength it takes to homeschool her kiddos. I absolutely love the articles I have read of hers in The Old Schoolhouse Magazine, and my son loved taking her botany class on She is a blessing in many ways! 

     When I opened the book, I saw it was divided into two sections. Part one is about dispelling myths.  She gives Biblical references on how we should be teaching our children through natural learning and shares how to motivate your children to learn on their own.  It's important for them to be self-motivated to learn and develop their talents that the Lord has given to them. Part two is putting the words of wisdom found in part one into practice as your child grows.  

     I have read many other books on homeschooling, but this one is unique.  I found it to be inspirational.  Each chapter ends with study questions for you to think over.  I felt like she really wants to help families to have a peaceful homeschool where children can learn and explore the talents God has given to them.  We are not an unschooling ( an educational method and philosophy that advocates learner-chosen activities as a primary means for learning) family, but I will implementing some of the wonderful ideas I learned in this book.  I believe we can all learn from each other and this book is an example of that. We may not want to do things just like another family does it, but we can learn new ways to do things that may be a good fit for our family as well.  

    As a mom of six, I can tell you that each stage our children go through is a challenge.  From preschool to elementary years to high school, there are always new issues that can arise.  This book helps guide you through those changes and gives practical advice.  I am excited for a few friends to be able to purchase this book next month.  I know they will appreciate the words of wisdom that Julie shares with us.  

     I would encourage you to check out this book and other things Julie does on her website or by visiting her social media pages below: 

     We have more reviews of this book over here 

God Schooling: How God Intended Children to Learn {Julie Polanco Reviews}
Go grab a cup of tea or coffee and a few little treats and relax as you read through them 😉

Have a great weekend!!!

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