
Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Are You Ready To Enjoy Your Summer?

     When I think of Summer, I think of warm days and cool evenings.  I long to sit on my porch swing and read.  I love watching my children run and play.  Summer should be a time of rest and relaxation so we are ready to take on our next school year in the Fall.  We need time to recuperate from all our hard work.  It's okay to rest!  We don't need a Summer schedule that is so full that we can't take the time to enjoy the little things in life.  

      Here is my list of the top 10 Summer activities we should all have on our to-do lists:

  •  Grab a sheet and lay under a shade tree and read your favorite book.
  •   Take your children to the park, turn off your phones, and enjoy playing with them with no distractions. 
  •   Lay on the ground in the middle of your yard and watch the clouds roll by.  Talk about what you see in the clouds. Your kiddos will love using their imaginations.
  •   Make memories by roasting marshmallows over an open fire and talking with your children about their dreams and goals in life.
  •   Grab a telescope (borrow one if you have to) and spend an entire evening looking at the stars. God's creation is so beautiful!
  •   Take a long drive one evening.  Turn off all distractions and enjoy one another's company.
  •   Pack a picnic basket one Saturday, and go exploring. There are many fun parks that your family can enjoy together. You don't need to know where you are going, just go!
  •   Have a water balloon fight 😀
  •   Grab some nerf guns and blast away.  Your kids need to see your fun side.
  •   Get some jars and chase some fireflies.  It's okay to act like a kid sometimes 😉

     Allow your children to see you enjoying life!!! Take time and smell the roses!  Give yourself permission to laugh and have fun. Your agenda should include a good belly laugh each day.  Time is short.  Take time to appreciate the little things!  

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