
Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Homeschool Review Crew: Our Review of UltraKey Online Family Subscription.

     I can remember sitting in typing class during my sophomore year of high school.  At first I thought it was pretty boring, but once we started to really learn all the keys and were given timed tests, I saw it as a challenge.  I wanted to improve each time I sat at the typewriter.  It took a few months to see real improvement, but I made it! By the end of the school year I was typing over 75 word per minutes.  I guess that is why I was excited to be given a chance to review the one year  UltraKey Online Family Subscription from Bytes of Learning.  I could watch my kids learn how to type correctly and they could have fun while doing it.  I couldn't wait to see their progress.  

      These typing lessons are like none I have used before.  They offer voice supported lessons along with animation and videos as well. It is a versatile online program that is up to date with the latest software. It is easy to set up your account and to set goals for each of your family members.  Kids will love the fact that they can be rewarded with games that also teach them how to type.  My son Ryan, who has never really learned how to type, was impressed with how well the program was laid out.  You can see that this company knows what they are doing and they want to teach communication skills as they teach you how to type effectively.  

     When we started the program over a month ago, my son took the test to see how well he could type already.  He had no idea where to place his hands on the keyboard and his score was only 35 words per minute with quite a few mistakes.  He wasn't happy at all with that score and was determined to get better.  

      Right away you are taught where to place your fingers, the correct posture and how certain stretches can help you keep limber while typing.  Ryan thought that placement on a key board wasn't important until he saw how well you can reach the keys with the proper positioning.  After a few weeks, he saw that his way of typing was not only inefficient, it was making his fingers ache at the end of the day.  When you use a keyboard properly, you won't have the strain on your fingers, wrists, neck and back that you have when you type incorrectly. 

     During the last few weeks, we have seen Ryan excel in his typing skills.  He is now typing 65 words per minute without any mistakes!  I couldn't believe it. What a huge improvement.  He is looking forward to getting better with each goal he makes for himself.  

     If you would like to learn more about this resource and others, you can go to their website Bytes of Learning or check out their Facebook page here:

      There are also more reviews for you to read through over on the Schoolhouse Review Crew page here 

UltraKey {Bytes of Learning Reviews}

1 comment:

  1. Sorry to be a little delayed in responding to this review. How wonderful to hear how well Ryan did with UltraKey Online. Please give him our congratulations. We provide the tool, and you provide the opportunity, but it's been up to Ryan to make the effort. Moving from 35 words per minute to 65 words per minute is a very proud accomplishment! Keep it up, Ryan! Thanks so much for sharing Ryan's success, and for sharing your praising words about UltraKey Online.
