
Friday, November 3, 2017

Counting My Blessings

     As Thanksgiving Day approaches, we tend to begin reflecting on what we are thankful for.  The month of November is always full of posts from people listing what they are thankful for.  You see them on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.  What if we carried that gratitude in our hearts year round?  Do you think it would improve our attitudes and outlook on life?  You bet it would! 

      If we would wake up every morning and count our blessings instead of complaining, our days would be more joyful.  A positive perspective will change how we see things.  Instead of complaining about our chores, we could be happy we have a home, clothes, and dishes to clean up.  In lieu of grumbling about our lives, we can be grateful we woke up to live another day.  As an alternative to our whining we can be praising God for all He has provided for us. 

      When I catch myself complaining, I step back and remind myself of the many blessings we have been given. We may not have all our wants, but we have all our needs met on a daily basis.  What more could I ask for?  There are so many who would love to have the little things I take for granted like a warm cup of coffee on a cool morning or a soft bed to sleep in at night.  Why should I complain when I have been blessed with so much? 

      As I count my blessing this morning, I look back on the amazing month of  October.  We had so much fun learning together and spending time with each other.  I want to share some of our activities with you now. 

Each evening in October we went for walks. The air was crisp and refreshing. We were able to have long talks and enjoy God's creation. 

We have been making some delicious soups in our crock pot. Some of our favorites are Chicken Tortilla and Potato Soup. 

 We went out and got a big beautiful pumpkin and had fun carving it as a family.  We were also able to get a great snack from the pumpkin seeds. We roasted them and they were quite yummy. 

We had a bonfire and roasted marshmallows. We enjoyed sitting around the fire talking and laughing. We didn't want the night to end.

Hubby and I were able to have a few date nights. It's important to have fun with your spouse! 

Our days have been spent learning and discovering together.  I love our homeschool!

     I am so thankful for each day! God has blessed us in so many ways. It would take days to list them all. I challenge you to find 10 things you are thankful for today and take time to thank our Heavenly Father for them. 

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