
Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Saying Goodbye Is Not Easy

     During the past few weeks, I have had to face many goodbyes. My heart broke with each one. I had one more to face, but how could I? My heart knew it was right, but my mind wasn't ready.

     As tears streamed down my face, I wrote a post in my Bible Study group that I hadn't wanted to write and kept putting off even though I knew God had been impressing upon my heart that it was time to say goodbye.

     For years, I have run an online Bible Study. I love the ladies there. We have become close friends and I didn't want to let them down, but I knew it was time for me to focus on other things. I didn't have the time I use to have. My agenda is so full. I felt torn in many directions. I didn't feel like I was giving this group 100%, so I knew I had to let them know that it was time for me to step back and take time off. 

     In life, we go through seasons. God will call us to do things that fit into His plans, then He may ask us to lay them down when that season is over. It's never easy to say goodbye to things we have enjoyed, but sometimes it is necessary in order to walk in obedience to Christ. I know I am a person who doesn't like to quit anything. I will push myself to the point of exhaustion instead of making a choice to quit. I know I need to find balance in this area, and I am working on it. With God's help, I am learning to let go. 

     We must be willing to step out in faith and walk away from a closed door in order to say yes to an open door that God has placed before us. He has a good plan for us. He knows what is best even if it may hurt for us to say goodbye. I know that God has been tugging at my heart for a while, but I was ignoring Him. Now that I have obeyed, I feel so much better and even closer to Him.  

     If you have been putting off letting go of something that is hindering you from walking in obedience, I encourage you to stop right now and pray. Let God know that you want to be obedient to Him no matter what the cost. He will never lead you astray. He loves you, and even though we may not always understand His ways, we know that they are best. As we step out in faith, we will see His plans unfold one step at a time.  Don't be afraid. Joy comes when we say YES to the Lord.

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