
Saturday, October 21, 2017

Mom, Why Aren't There Any Pictures of You?

     I use to hate having my picture taken. I didn't like the way I looked. I had no self-esteem. My body wasn't like it was in high school.  I wanted to hide it, so why in the world would I allow someone to take a picture of me? I hadn't given it much thought until one of my children was looking through some old photos and said: "Mom, why aren't there any pictures of you?"  

     I didn't know what to say to her. I made some lame excuses at the time, but I knew in my heart why.  I was so uncomfortable in my body.  I didn't want to see reminders of what I thought I looked like. What I didn't realize is no one else saw me the way I did.


      My husband saw me as a beautiful woman who he loves with all his heart. My children saw a mama who loves and cares for them every day. My friends saw someone who was there for them. No one saw the imperfections except for me.  

      One evening I went through some old photos of my older 4 kiddos.  Very rarely did you see me in any of those pictures. I was always behind the camera. As I looked at those precious pics, I began to cry.  My older kiddos will not have photos of them with their mama, and I can't change that, but I could begin taking pictures right then and there.  I refused to let how I feel about myself to keep me from making memories with my kids.  I want them to have pictures of their mom. I know I cherish the photos I have of my parents especially now that they have gone to be with Jesus. How could I deprive my children of having photographs of me?

      So Moms out there, don't let your imperfections keep you from taking pictures with your children. I promise no one sees what you think you see in the mirror.  They see YOU!!!!  The mom, wife, sister, daughter, and friend that they love and never want to forget. Get out there and have fun with your kids. Take tons of pictures and don't worry about anything but making memories!!

     I know I am not perfect and I never have been or will be, but I do know that I don't want to be the mom hiding behind the camera.  I have embraced who I am and what I look like after having 7 beautiful babies, dealing with a thyroid disorder and anxiety. I won't allow anything to keep me from enjoying life one more day!  I want my kids to have memories of their mom just as she is.  They love me for me, so I will too 😊 

      Here is a look at some photos we have taken in the last month or so.  I am so happy they will have these memories to look back on. I am so thrilled to just let go and be me!


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