
Thursday, August 3, 2017

Everybody Needs Some Time Away.....

     Last Friday, my husband and I decided we needed a little mini-vacation.  We packed up the kiddos and decided we would head to Dayton, Ohio.  It is just about 2 1/2 hours from our home, but we knew that it would be a time of rest and relaxation.  A time to forget about chores and deadlines.  It would be a time to enjoy one another's company with no interruptions or distractions.   
     The first stop we made was to my daughter's favorite store.  She has only been to Build A Bear one other time, and she was so excited.  She thought we were just there to look, but Mom and Dad surprised her with a new bear.  One she got to pick out and help put together.  She even got an outfit for her new little friend.  She is only going to be 10 for a short time and this age should be cherished.  Her imagination is so sweet.  Her brothers were happy for her.  

     After stopping at a gaming store for the boys and eating lunch, we headed to our hotel.  The kids love staying at hotels.  I think their favorite part is swimming in the big hotel pools.  We got lucky and the pool was empty when we arrived.

     Hubby got to try out his new waterproof phone. We got some cute pics that we normally wouldn't have gotten in a pool.  We had a blast just playing and laughing and making a splash. 😊


     After an afternoon of swimming, we decided to have a nice dinner and get to bed early so we would be rested for our trip to the National Museum of the United States Air Force.  

     We got up early on Saturday, enjoyed our free continental breakfast, and headed to our destination.  When we got to the museum, the kids were so thrilled.  We have visited here before, but they added a new hanger since our last visit.  It houses the Space Exhibits and the Presidential Aircraft.  I have to admit I was excited to see these exhibits myself.  

     The last two pictures are of the inside of what was Air Force One when Presidents such as Ronald Reagan and George Bush were in office. Walking through that plane gave me goosebumps. These air crafts and space crafts are a part of our history.  It was an incredible experience.  

     After spending several hours walking through this museum, we headed over to the Huffman Prairie Interpretive Center and Wright Hill Memorial.  Here you will learn about Wilbur and Orville Wright and the importance of our National Park Service.  We were able to talk with a very sweet park ranger who explained some of the wonderful exhibits and history of the memorial site. He even gave the kids a little surprise to take home.  

      If you ever get a chance to visit these places, I encourage you to go. You won't be disappointed. You and your children will get a close look at aviation and space history.  

     On Sunday, we slept in then woke up and got ready to head back home.  We all had a wonderful time. I came home ready to take on the new school year.  The kids were more relaxed and that always helps school to go more smoothly.  

     What are some of your favorite places to visit that educate and give your family some fun???


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