
Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Off To A Great Start!

     Well, we started our 2017-2018 school year on Monday, July 24th.  I know a lot of people are probably wondering why we start so early, but we have a good reason.  We do the 6 weeks on, 1 week off schedule throughout the year and in order to get everything done and get a 8 week Summer break, we have to start just a few weeks before the public schools in our area.  

     I always enjoy starting a fresh new year.  I love picking out new curriculum and planning our days. The kiddos are always involved in picking out what classes they will take and this year they are taking a few online. I didn't use to care for online classes, but the more I researched them, the more I liked them.  They will give me a little more free time to get other things done.  

      On Monday morning we had our breakfast then took some time getting ready for our first day. I love taking pictures and the kids know how much I enjoy seeing them grow from year to year so they always look their best for these photos. I love how silly they get during our little photo sessions.  

    After they stop giggling and being silly, we get some really cute pictures of them 😊

      These are memories that we will have forever. As the years fly by, we can look back and remember these little moments.  

      Homeschooling is more than just schooling at home.  It is making special memories that will last a lifetime.  It is laughing together.  Loving each other through the rough times. Being there to help one another. Sharing our thoughts and feelings no matter if they are good or bad. It's about learning together as a family.  I feel my children have taught me just as much as I have taught them. 

     After taking photos we worked on starting a few classes in the afternoon.  They are loving their curriculum so far and I haven't had one complaint. I pray the rest of the year goes this smoothly.

     I can't wait to see what this new school year holds for us. I know God has a good plan for our family and He will reveal it one day at a time as we listen to Him and obey His voice.  

      Are you starting school soon?  What are some of your favorite parts of beginning a new year? 



  1. Hi Betty, I really enjoyed your post and the fun pictures of your kiddos. I love your paragraph about "Homeschooling is more than just schooling at home...." I share your heart on all of what you said there. I like the idea of 6 weeks on, 1 week off. This year we are starting three weeks early, on August 14th. We will talk schedule, take pictures, and get their gear together the Friday before. We have done that the last few years, allowing us to really jump in the deep end the following Monday and my kids actually seem to like that. Our earlier start this year gives us more time-off options, my step dad is battling cancer back east and I needed the bumper space in case I need to fly back again (I had to at the end of last school year).

    I hope you have an amazing and blessed school year!!

    1. Thank you for taking time to read about our first week of school :) I pray you have a blessed school year!!!! I will be praying for you and your step dad.
