
Monday, June 5, 2017

Our Summer Schedule

     During the summer months, I still like to keep a routine. We have plenty of time for play and relaxation but we also spend time reading and brushing up on any skills that may need some extra attention.  The difference between summer school and our regular school year are the wonderful places we are able to be.  Like the picnic table, in our tent, under a tree or just sitting on our porch swing.  

     Our mornings are usually spent doing personal devotions, some household chores, and playing. After lunch, we spend time doing a few school lessons. It may just be reading or we may do some fun experiments. I also throw in some math here and there so we don't forget what we worked on during our school year.  I try to keep it light and fun.  Some days we just sit and listen to an audio book then I ask some questions about what they heard.  

     When 2 or 3 o'clock roll around we are back to playing and relaxing until dinner time.  After dinner, we spend time playing games as a family or we sit down to watch a movie together.  I relax our bedtimes during the summer months, but we do stick to our evening routine of tidying up the house and family devotions before we head to bed.

     I love the time we get during this break to rest and recuperate.  I enjoy seeing the kids laugh and play.  It's fun to watch them grow and explore on their own during their summer adventures. 

 How do you spend your summer break?    


1 comment:

  1. This sounds ideal. My son is just a toddle and I have been thinking about starting toddler school with him, but I know I want to still allow him tons of time to have fun and enjoy being a kid in the upcoming summer months. Thanks for sharing!

    God bless,
