
Wednesday, May 1, 2019

Purposing To Honor Your Marriage

      Lately, I have been seeing more and more people becoming very selfish.  They do not want to serve others. They want to please themselves first and foremost.  This way of thinking can be detrimental to a marriage.  If we only think of ourselves, our marriages will more than likely fail.  

     The dictionary defines honor as highly valuing something or someone, or to regard with great respect. Our spouses should feel the honor we have for them. They need to know how much we value and cherish them. We must show them with our words and actions. 

     One of my favorite verses that Paul writes about marriage is this: 

     In these verses found in Hebrews 13, Paul is talking about the sacrifices that please God.  So that tells me that God is happy when we honor our marriages.  He will bless us for being obedient to His Word.  

     So what does honor in a marriage look like on a daily basis? I think it is all about priorities.  We must set out to put our spouse's needs above our own.  Our mates desire to know how much they are loved and cared for.  It's up to us to figure out how to show them.  

      Do you know your husband or wife's love language?  Do you know how to fill their love tank?  If you can not say yes to both of these questions, I encourage you to get The 5 Love Languages by Gary Chapman.  This book will help you to identify what your spouse needs from you in order to feel loved, honored, and respected.  

     I feel the most important way to show honor to our marriages is to recognize that you entered into a covenant. This covenant is intended to be a lifelong relationship.  When you took your vows, you promised before God, your spouse, family, and friends to always be together and to love each other unconditionally.  If we place a high value on these promises, we will be able to withstand the storms of life.  

    How will you purpose to honor your marriage today?  


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