
Thursday, March 9, 2017

Let's Get Organized


   At one point in time we had a family of 8 living in our little home.  Let me tell you, we learned that being organized was the only way to live.  Otherwise we would have spent countless hours running around looking for lost items like shoes, toys, clothing, or car keys.  Our home had to run like a well oiled machine in order for us to accomplish what the Lord had set before us. We still have 5 people living here and we still keep things organized so we can manage our time efficiently.  

     Time management is the most important part of organization.  Using our minutes, hours, and days in a way that will bring glory to God and allow us to finish the jobs He has given to us.  In our home we have a calender and a schedule on our refrigerator.  We don't always follow our schedule perfectly, but it is there to remind us that we have goals to achieve for each day.  Our calender serves to prompt our memories of activities, social events and special occasions.  

     It's important to put our homes together in such a way that we are able to have a place for everything.  If we are consistently looking for things we need, we are wasting time and energy that could be used for other things.  Once a month we go through rooms in our home and donate, sell, or throw away things that are not being used.  This cuts down on clutter and allows us more space for the things we do use.  It's also imperative to teach our children about contentment.  If they want more and more, our homes will overflow with unneeded items that just take up space.  

     Do you have a chore time in your home?  We have 3 times set aside each day for clean up.  This helps keep our home neat and tidy so we aren't scrambling around trying to clean up for unexpected guests.  If our home was in constant turmoil, that would be overwhelming for me.  I wouldn't have time to be the hospitable hostess that we are suppose to be according to 1 Peter 4:9 ~ Show hospitality to one another without grumbling.   Our homes should feel warm and inviting, so we are able to open it to strangers without a moments notice.  

     Organization is an essential part in having a peaceful and happy home.  A home, that is in chaos all the time, puts stress on us.  If a home is coordinated, it has a calming effect on our bodies.  I encourage you to put together a game plan to get your homes back on track.  Here is a list of a few ideas to help you get started:

 1. Have a list of chores to do daily, weekly and monthly.

 2. Keep a calender on hand to jot down important events and activities.

 3. Find a place for everything and be sure to keep those things where they belong.

 4. Teach your children about contentment so they are happy with what they have.

 5. Take time each month to go through each room of your homes, and get rid of things you are no longer using.  You can donate, sell, or throw away unneeded items.  Don't store things you will never use again.

 6. Have an plan of attack for storing clothes for different seasons.  We like using plastic bins that can be stacked and put away easily. They can also be reused every year. 

 7. Keep a family goal list on your wall or refrigerator, so you can see what you would like to accomplish in the weeks and months to come.

1 comment:

  1. Some very practical tips :)
    I really like number 4, and we're forever working on that.
    Thanks for sharing!

    Found you on a blog hop. I think it was the Wise Woman one? (too many that I visit, lol)
