
Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Let's Study Colossians

     The book of Colossians has always been one of my favorite books of the Bible.   There is so much knowledge to glean as you study it. We will learn about things such as love, faith and how to manage a Christian household.   

     My favorite verse is Colossians 3:23. And whatsoever ye do, do it heartily, as to the Lord, and not unto men. It reminds us that we are here to please God not man.  That has always been a difficult concept for me.  As a perfectionist, I found that I have always wanted people to see only the best parts of me, but after studying these scriptures, I have given up "people pleasing".   The only one I need to strive to please is my Heavenly Father.  

     During my study of Colossians the Lord also pointed out that whatever I am doing should be done as if I was doing it just for Him.  Even my laundry!!!   I know that sounds a bit silly, but if I am complaining about doing the dishes or folding my laundry, I am not pleasing God.  He wants us to serve Him in everything we do and say.  

I drew this to remind myself that God wants me to glorify Him even when I am doing my laundry.
 I have it hanging in the room where I fold my laundry 

      Do you know that our attitudes can set the atmosphere for our homes?  If we are grumbling and complaining, our kids will grumble and complain.  If we are serving the Lord with gladness, they will see it and follow our example.  

       Are you ready to dig deeper into God's Word?  Are you ready to grow your faith?   I have a free study of Colossians for you today! What I love about the S.O.A.P. method of studying God's Word is that any age can participate.  You can even ask your little ones what they observed and how they can apply it. 

       I pray that God blesses you as you read and examine this book of the Bible.  May your life be changed! 

     To download this study, just click on the link below the image.

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