
Friday, December 9, 2016

Let's Get Creative

"When you do the common things of life in an uncommon way, you will command 
the attention of the world." ~ George Washington Carver

      I don't know about you, but some days I have got to be creative with my kids.  Rather it be how I discipline or how I encourage them to do their work, I am always trying to think of new ways to do it.  The Hebrew word for create is bara.  It means to shape or form.  Isn't that what we are doing on a daily basis.  Shaping and forming our children to be servants for the Lord.

     God is also constantly forming and shaping us into who He wants us to be.  Sometimes it hurts doesn't it?  When we are going through the many fires of life, we need to sit back and ask ourselves, "What is God forming me to be?"   

     I have heard many people say that they are not creative.  We can all be creative.  We are motivated to get creative when we are given a task that we are not familiar with.  We have to find ways to make it work. We need to ask the Lord to help us become more creative in our thinking.  The Bible is full of scriptures to help us develop this quality.

I wisdom dwell with prudence, and find out knowledge of witty inventions. ~ Proverbs 8:12

     I have creative kiddos.  Each of them have their own gifts in different areas.  Our oldest son Robert loves to build computers from scratch.  Our daughter Mandy can crochet, write music/lyrics, and  play the guitar.  Meg, can draw and paint beautifully.  Ryan can build any lego creation you can come up with and builds programs for the computer. Josh can write stories, build websites, and enjoys making videos. Our youngest, Hope, can draw, paint, and loves to do any DIY project she can find on You Tube.  I was never this creative as a child, so watching them all grow into their talents, was a unique experience.  I am so happy that they have had the opportunity to explore and learn what their skills are and are developing them.  

     Do you encourage your children to be creative?  Do you allow them to go outside of the lines?  Children are not afraid to live outside the box and as parents we need to help them cultivate their creativity.  If your children ever come up to you and say they are bored, give them some suggestions to use their imaginations.  Let them get a little crazy like building forts from the couch cushions, or making a spaceship from old boxes.  

God is our ultimate source of creativity!

I am contributing over at MOMS ON A MISSION today. 
Come on over for a open and honest post on
 letting go of perfectionism. 

1 comment:

  1. I definitely encourage my kids to be creative! There are so many different ways to bring out that creativity too! My boys and I try to do a few different crafting things each week. I try to make sure they include a variety of materials and also provide plenty of time for them to create on their own.
