
Monday, December 19, 2016

Becoming Like a Child

     Today, I want to begin by talking about how our children can teach us.  Just as we teach them on a daily basis, they can be an example to us as well.  They have faith that is so pure and so innocent.  They don't question what they believe.  They allow their hearts to be open and honest.  In Luke chapter 17, we see Jesus talking about how important it is to have childlike faith.  He says "Truly, I say to you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God like a child shall not enter it.”     

      As I was reading through these verses in Luke, I began to think how my faith is wavering, but when my child prays, he believes with all his/her heart that God is more than able to answer.  I want faith like that!  I want to believe despite the circumstances.  I want to lean on and trust in God with all that I am.

     Many times we only look at the difficulties going on in our lives.  We don't stop to count the many blessings we have been given.  My children often look at the bright side of things while I am focusing on the negatives.  They have a way of opening my eyes and changing my outlook.  They have no idea how much their words of encouragement mean to this mom.  I can't tell you how many times that I have felt like throwing in the towel, but they convince me that God is bigger than any of my problems.  Their faith is amazing!!!!

     I know that God is there, and I thank Him everyday for giving me children that remind me of this fact.  Even when my life seems to be taking twists and turns that I never imagined, He is there.  When my heart is heavy and my strength is weak, He is there.  God never leaves us.  He wants us to trust in Him with a childlike faith.  He wants us to realize His promises are true.  

     Romans 8:28 is one of my favorite verses.  It helps to remind me that God will work everything out.  He has a good plan for us and as long as we love Him and seek Him each day, He will help us accomplish His purpose for our lives.  Surrender is the key to perfecting our faith.  We must allow Him to be in control and rest in the assurance that He will fulfill His promises.  I am reminded of the hymn Blessed Assurance, by Fannie Crosby, as I write this.  The third stanza says it all.  

 Perfect submission, all is at rest; 
I in my Savior am happy and blest, 
watching and waiting, looking above, 
filled with his goodness, lost in his love.

This is my story, this is my song, 
praising my Savior all the day long; 
this is my story, this is my song, 
praising my Savior all the day long. 

     Are you going through a rough time?  Are you being tested and tried?  Let me encourage you to pray.  Pray like you have never prayed before.  Put your life in God's hands and don't take it back. Allow Him to work!  I am here to talk to anyone who needs prayer and I pray you will keep praying for me.  May God bless you as you seek Him!!!!


1 comment:

  1. What a great post! I am not a parent but I am a first grade teacher and my students always challenge me in more ways than one. I constantly challenge myself to do and be better because of them and their innocence and yearning to learn and grow more :)
