
Saturday, November 12, 2016

The Most Important Work

    Do you ever feel unappreciated?  Do you feel like your hard work is never recognized?  I know as a mom and wife, I have had these feelings from time to time.  Years ago these thoughts would overcome me and I would actually fall into a state of depression and self-pity. It wasn't a pretty site.

  I was also making one other mistake.  I was relying on my husband and children to make me feel loved and appreciated all the time. That wasn't going to happen.  They are only human and I couldn't expect them to be my only source of joy.  I needed to seek God for an unending supply of love.

  After years of studying God's Word and seeking what His will for my life was, I began to recognize that my work in my home was the most important work I would ever do.  Raising godly children, being a supportive wife, and following God's plan for my life became my goal.  I saw that the years I spent feeling unappreciated were tactics of the devil to keep me from doing what the Lord had called me to do.  That stupid devil didn't want me to take my responsibilities seriously.  He wanted to distract me from my work, and he did a good job.

  I love the quote from Harold B Lee above.  These words always come to mind when I feel those emotions of feeling unloved and unappreciated creep in.  I remind myself that God has called me to a task and I must do it with a good attitude and a gentle spirit.  I can't allow Satan to take away my joy for one minute.

 It is all about perspective.

  I wish someone would have explained that my perspective of simple tasks is important. My attitude towards each chore makes it miserable or enjoyable.  When we change our view.... our lives seem so much better.  Another great quote from Mr. Lee is “Happiness does not depend on what happens outside of you, but what happens inside of you.”

  Being a mom and wife can be hard, but it is also the most rewarding job you will ever have. When you feel tired and worn out, go to your Father in Heaven and allow Him to renew you.  Be sure to take time each and every day to read His Word and pray. He is there to give you strength, guidance and peace.  Don't allow Satan to lie to you and tell you that no one cares what you do.  It is just not true.  God sees everything you do and He knows how hard you work.  He will bless you for following His call on your life.

  I want to encourage you to seek the Lord today if you are feeling that no one appreciates you.  Allow Him to love on you. Give Him your mind, will, and emotions.  He will restore you in every area that you allow Him to.  Let Him work in you so that you can be the best mom and wife that you can be.  He wants to be there for you through the good times and the bad.  He loves you and will never fail you.  Lean and rely on Him for all your needs.  He will see you through.


  1. I'm fighting an ungrateful heart as I prepare to do the dreaded grocery shopping this morning, and then I read this post and your picture above. Heart check! Thanks for the reminder to be grateful even in the mundane.

    1. I know it is something I struggle with but am working on :)

  2. Hello Betty,
    it's really so good... so useful blog. i really loved a lot ur blog, but when i read the post about"husband and wife fights" i felt a lot bad for myself that i was not able to deal those fights efficiently in my past. i didn't asked for God's help, so now i am in this stage, i cant do any thing right, only prayer and God can help me. i feel lonely a lot.Thank You.

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