
Wednesday, November 30, 2016

It's Okay......

     It wasn't until recently, that I realized that I have pushed myself so much over the years, that I am having physical and emotional signs of exhaustion.  My body has sent me warning signals for years, but I chose to ignore them and keep pressing on.  Lately it has become more and more apparent that I have let myself go for too long. Putting myself on the back-burner has worn me to a frazzle.  

      I always thought that taking care of my husband and children was more important than taking care of me, and in a way that is true.  The only problem with this thought pattern is I have depleted my body. What good am I if I am running on empty?  It only makes for a very irritable, frustrated, and tired mama.  We can't expect to give and give if we never replenish the tank.  

      Why do we do this to ourselves?  Is it because we want to be Supermoms and Superwives?  Is it because we want to please everyone? Could it be because we feel it is our duty and we just can't risk disappointing everyone?  

     I know it is impossible to do it all, so why did I try so hard to do it?  Physically it is taxing on my body and emotionally it is draining.  By the end of the day I felt like a whipped pup. I had also been feeling like a doormat lately because don't even have the energy to take up for myself.  I just did what was asked of me like a robot.  

     So, what did I do to remedy the issue? I took off my cape.  I have decided it's okay for me to take care of me.  If I don't do this, I won't be able to take care of anyone.  I need to set time aside for me to just sit, relax, breathe, and not think about my to-do lists. I need time to pray and meditate on the scriptures without interruptions.  I need time to refill my tanks so I can have enough strength and energy to extend my help to my family and friends.

      My only dilemma is the fact that I have trouble keeping the cape off.  I am a perfectionist.  Over the years, I have been learning to be more lax in my expectations, but the perfectionist in me finds it way to the surface and it is in those moments I grab that cape and try to do it all again.  I know I need to let God work things out for me, but that part of me that wants to control everything also rears its ugly head from time to time.  I am a work in progress. 

      Do you need to hang up your cape?  Do you need to take time for yourself?  I encourage you to get that time and let your body rest before you end up as overwhelmed and exhausted as I was.  I still have days I need to take extra time to recuperate because my body has not caught up yet. It took years to get into this condition and will take me years to recover. I don't want you to go through this too.  

      One more thing....If you are a new mama, please don't hesitate to ask others for help.  This time in your life is amazing, but also very draining.  I wish I would have had more help during my kiddos first weeks of life.  

Please come check out our page of freebies! 


  1. Yes! To all of this! I completely relate. I think it all comes down to making use of our time to ourselves wisely. Not getting distracted with the purposeless stuff and really using our time to replenish our energy! Again, thanks for sharing this post!


  2. Betty, it's like Jesus said, "man was not made for the Sabbath, but the Sabbath for man." Even God Himself rested on the 7th day. But I can tell you I fight the same battle, at times. Thanks for a great reminder.


  3. This is part of why I put together my "You Deserve It" coupon book freebie. On one hand, it seems like a silly printable. On the other hand, it's a way for moms to give themselves permission to take a break.

    At any rate, I'll be praying for you, Betty! It's amazing how much stress can affect the body.

  4. Yes! Yes! Yes!!! We need to put the oxygen mask first! If we care for ourselves, we will be able to care so much better for others! And yes! we deserve some time for ourselves. I do this by doing my Bible journaling, watching movies, napping, or just going to a cafe by myself to blog. :)

  5. Hello, fellow blogger and friend!

    On the first of each month, I do a special round-up called #(Month)25 where I share the best of other people’s content with my followers. I share five posts from each of these categories: Christian, kids/motherhood, relationships, money, and miscellaneous. I just wanted to let you know that this blog post was featured in my #December25 Roundup. Hooray!

    Here’s a link to the post so you can see for yourself:

    In Christ,
    Lauren C. Moye
