
Monday, October 17, 2016

Monday Mornings with Jesus: A Personal Relationship


      As our children grow and learn, we are responsible to encourage them to seek God in a very personal way.  It is great to have family devotions and prayer time, but it is important to help them understand that they need to spend time alone with God each day.  Our children need to see us taking time out of our busy days, to sit down and read God's Word and pray.

Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it. ~ Proverbs 22:6

     When we had our first 3 children, I was not close with the Lord at all.  I regret not being the example to them I should have been.  It was a rare occasion for them to see me reading my Bible or praying.  I believe God had a hedge of protection over my kids during that time.  He was their godly example.  I was failing to be the parent I was called to be, but He was there, leading where I was lacking.  I thank Him for that everyday!!  

      At 26, my eyes were open to the fact that I was not living a life that was pleasing to my Savior.  I was convicted and repented.  I began seeking a real relationship with Him.  For the first time in years, my children saw their Mama seeking God with all her heart.  They saw me reading His Word and praying for His guidance.  I was finally able to be the godly example they needed here on earth.  

       If you think your children are not watching you, let me share a story.  My husband has a few Bibles that he reads during his time with the Lord.  They are different translations, that he enjoys reading through daily.  One afternoon, our 11 year old came to me and said "Mama do you have any Bibles I can have?"  He only had one at the time.  I said "Well sure baby, why do you need more Bibles?"  He proceeded to tell me that he wanted to be just like Daddy and have lots of Bibles to read too.   My husband and I didn't realize he even paid attention to that, but sure enough he did.  Even when we think they are not watching.... they are!  

      So today, I want to encourage you to be an example to your kiddos in the area of a personal and real relationship with our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.  Allow them to see you seek Him in all you do and say.  Help them set time aside to worship and pray everyday!

For more information, please come to our Facebook page: Training our Children in Godly Character


  1. Betty, I got saved at age 26 too! I was the very first believer on both sides of the family. My kids are the first generation born in a Christian home - halleluyah!! One thing God has been teaching me through homeschooling is the fact that we, parents, are our kids first role models. I didn't have that growing up but God has gifting my children with that. I'm not perfect and I know I will never be, but I point them to He who is as much as I can.
    Thanks for the encouragement and the reminder.

    1. Thank you so much for sharing. What a Great God we serve. He meets us right where we are. I will be praying for you and I hope you will pray for me as we teach our children to love the Lord with all their hearts.
