
Friday, October 14, 2016

Let's Talk Manners: Don't Be Rude

Choose a good reputation over great riches; being held in high esteem is better than silver or gold. ~ Proverbs 22:1
     We need to encourage our children to be a godly example for others.  As they play and talk with their peers, they need to show them love, respect, and kindness.  Our goal is for us to train our children to show the love of Jesus where ever they go.  Rather it be on a soccer field or in the lunchroom at school, they should exhibit the fruits of the spirit, so others will see a Light in them.  

     When we see our children acting in a way that is unlovely or rude, we need to step in and correct them.  If we catch them being good, we need to be sure to tell them how much it pleases us and God when they act this way.  Our children respond to our words.  If we tear them down, they will have low self-esteem and will tend to do the same to others.  If we encourage and build them up, they will respond accordingly.  They will want to do the same for others.  

     Our responsibility as parents is to set a godly example for them so they can go into the world and be a light in a dark world.  We need to let them see us treating others they way we would like to be treated.  They must see us loving others just like Jesus.  

     How do you encourage your children to behave properly? Do they put others above themselves? Are they considerate of other's feelings? Do you set the right example for them to follow?   Just a couple of questions to leave you with today. 

Here is a great free coloring page for you to save and print as a reminder to always think of others.

To save these images, hover over it, right click and choose "save image as...".


  1. Our American society has grown to be so rude, so it's important to teach our kids kindness. I think limiting TV viewing helps because most shows display rude children.

    1. I agree Susan. We are very particular about what our children watch and read.

  2. I need this kind of help more than I want to admit. I was raised under a critical spirit and I have carried that into my own motherhood. It is a daily fight, but with the Lord's help, I continue to do better.

    1. I have the same issue April. I will pray for you. It's hard to break habits that have been embedded into our minds.
