
Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Let's Talk Manners: Being Helpful and Compassionate


      Do you find things that need to be done and do them, or do you wait around to be told to do something?  We need to be looking for things to do for others.  We do not want to be lazy in how we serve others.  Our children are watching us, and will do what they see us doing.  If they see us shrugging off our duties, they will do the same.  If they see us being servants for the glory of God, they will serve.

     We need to be helpful in many areas.  Physically, we need to get things done that are not being finished.  Emotionally, we need to show compassion and help others who are hurting by talking with them and praying.  Spiritually, we need to share the gospel with those who do not know Christ and disciple those who are new in their walk with Him.  Being helpful is serving where we are needed.

    As we are being helpful, we need to be compassionate as well. Compassion is responding to a need with diligence to meet it.  One reason I believe we go through difficulties and pain is so that we can be compassionate towards others dealing with similar situations.  Jesus was so very compassionate.  He saw a need, and He was loving in meeting it. Rather the need was a physical, emotional or spiritual , He was there to help.  We need to follow His example.

     So, how do we cultivate a compassionate heart?  First, we need to focus on the great love and compassion our God has for us.  Even though we deserved to die for our sins, He took that debt and paid it in full.  Second,  we must open our hearts and look for needs that others have.  We need to take time and maybe even money to meet those needs.  Third, use the hurts of our past to help others who are hurting and going through things.  And last but not least, we need to pray for others on an daily basis.  Our hearts will grow with compassion as we pray.

    Finally, all of you, be like-minded, be sympathetic, love one another, be compassionate and humble.  Do not repay evil with evil or insult with insult. On the contrary, repay evil with blessing, because to this you were called so that you may inherit a blessing. ~ 1 Peter 3:8-9

     Let's get out there, be helpful, and show compassion everywhere we go!

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