
Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Let's Get Real About Homeschooling Schedules {Free Calendar Printables}


 A few years ago I would have told you that in order to have a good day, your day must be scheduled and you must keep to that schedule.  I really thought that was true.  THEN, the Lord changed my heart.  He showed me that even though I crave structure and a rigid schedule, my children need me to be more flexible.  I also needed to be more open to what the Lord wanted us to accomplish throughout the day.  He may want us to open our door to a person in need or sit and pray for a family who is struggling.  In my world of schedules and charts, those things were not important.  I have changed a bunch!!!!  Just ask my older children.

     We still have a schedule, BUT we are also free to break from that schedule when the Lord leads us to do His plans for the day.  We are lead by the Holy Spirit instead of my rigid schedule.  This schedule below is what I like to see happen each day, so we can stay on track with our lessons and activities, but I also have learned to let this schedule be a guideline not a cast iron, set in stone way to live our lives.

      As a mom who was homeschooling 6 children at one point in time, I was sure that things would be chaotic without a plan for each day, but let me tell you, after 19 years, I have seen this schedule hold us back from learning.  It kept us on track, but sometimes that meant missing out on REAL learning opportunities.  When I followed a strict agenda, we weren't free to do nature walks, or serve in the community, or just have fun.  Do we need a game plan.... SURE WE DO, but we also need to be flexible with our timetables.  We need structure to be responsible with our time,  but with the knowledge that God may have bigger plans for our day.  

      So with all that being said, I encourage you to have an agenda for your days.  Write out a list of things you would like to complete, just be very adaptable to changes that may need to occur and don't let it frustrate you. It doesn't matter if  you choose to just jot down a few ideas for the day or if you plan each subject, there must be some strategy to get everything done each day or the minutes and hours will fly by and nothing will get accomplished.   

  Whoever works his land will have plenty of bread, but he who
 follows worthless pursuits lacks sense.
~Proverbs 12:11

       As parents,  we begin teaching our children as soon as they are born.  We instill values along with academics.  We are consistently teaching them character qualities.  We work on manners and how important it is to treat other the way we want to be treated.  Be sure to use daily situations as teachable moments.  Little things that occur during the day can be used to train in righteousness.  Our number one priority in our homeschool is to point our children to Christ so that when they are ready, they can lead others to Christ.  

      I also encourage you to write out a Homeschool Mission Statement and a Household Mission Statement and place them somewhere you can read them on a daily basis.  This will be your goals to shoot for as a homeschool and family.  Here is ours: 

I am praying for each of you today!  
God has a good plan for your family! 

I would also love for you to get some great FREE CALENDAR PAGES 
to print out to use for your family. To download the PDF, just click on 
the link below the image. 




  1. Thank you for sharing! Found you on a Wise Woman Builds, and I needed this encouragement today! :) look forward to following your blog!

    1. Thank you for stopping by and sharing your words of encouragement. :)

  2. Betty, this is amazing advice. I kind of had the same journey. Letting go of the rigid structure was the best thing I've ever done.

    1. It was so freeing to know I didn't have to do this or that at a certain time. :)

  3. We don't so much follow a schedule, but we're very routine-oriented. We're a ministry family and our afternoons/evenings vary from day to day. Having a homeschool routine helps us balance those crazy evenings. That said, we know when to let go of the routine and change it up. :)

  4. I love this Betty!! We follow our rhythms and routine and I'm always asking the Lord to show us His agenda so we can do what He wants us to do. I love the freedom we have homeschooling. :) Thanks for linking up at Blessed MOMdays!!

  5. Great tips! It has taken me a few years to learn to balance schedule/structure and flexibility but I think I'm getting there!
