
Monday, October 31, 2016

Contentment Challenge Day One {Free PDF on Contentment}

     With our day of Thanksgiving just a few weeks away, I would like to begin a 7 day gratitude challenge so our families can learn contentment and  show gratitude for what the Lord has given to us.  

     During this time of year, I actually become teary eyed when I see the greed and discontent in the hearts of people.  We barely give one day of thanks before running out to stores to buy more stuff that we think we need.  Our children make lists of everything they want.  They do not think about the little boy down the street who doesn't' even have enough food to fill his belly, or the little girl who walks to school freezing because her coat that is full of holes   We have become a society that focuses on self, not others.  We want the next new thing even before it comes out in the stores.  In a world full of lust and envy, we fall into the trap that we need things to make us happy.  We feel left out or let down if we can't have what everyone else has.  


But godliness with contentment is great gain. 
For we brought nothing into the world, and we can 

take nothing out of it. ~ 1 Timothy 6:6-7

      I love this verse in 1 Timothy.  It give us perspective.  We can not take anything in this world with us.  

      I love the line in the poem by C.T. Studd.  It says "
Only one life, twill soon be past,  Only what’s done for Christ will last."   The only thing that will really matter is what we do for the Lord.  Being a light in a dark world.  Showing the love of Christ to those who are hurting or in need.  Our lives have purpose and that purpose is to bring others to Christ.  

     A new phone will bring us a temporary feeling of satisfaction.  A big screen TV will give a joy for a moment.  That new toy you give your child will be played with for a little while........... BUT if you feed a hungry person, clothe a child, or just love on that person who is unlovely, you will have a lasting effect on someone's life.  They may come to know the Lord through your act of kindness.  

     This is why I want to do this challenge.  I want us to make difference in the world.  I want us to share the love of Jesus with others.  I don't want us to become discontented, greedy people who have no hearts.  

      Are you ready to join us for our challenge?  

      On day one of our challenge I would like for you to sit down with your family and make out a list of people you would like to bless during this challenge.  We will have some activities for you do over the next few weeks that will involve these people.  Your list can be as long as you would like it to be or you can choose to bless a few people more than once.  We will be trying to do many of our activities anonymously so God can be glorified, not us.  

     I have made a wonderful workbook for you to use in your homes. This workbook will help you teach your children  how to have an attitude of gratitude.  To save this workbook, just click on the link below the image.  

- Warren 

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