
Friday, September 16, 2016



     Today I would like to talk about surrender.  I believe it is a choice we make daily.  When we wake up, before we place our feet on the floor, we should pray a prayer of surrender.  We need to give Christ all of ourselves.  Our time, our words, our worries.... all that we are must be surrendered to Him.  We can not possibly live godly lives and teach our children godly character, if we do not give Him everything.  

     Surrender is not easy.  It means taking our hands off of things and allowing God to work His plans for us and our families.  It is not being rigid to our daily schedule.  It is praying a prayer that gives Him our anything and our everything.  

     I remember the day I decided to surrender to God.  This was years after I had been saved.  It was just a few years ago to be honest.  I had been reading an incredible book that really taught me what surrender was.   It was more than just following Christ.  It was allowing Him to be in full control of my life.  Every aspect, not just the things I was willing to give up.  I had to trust in Him fully!!!!  I had to trust He had a better plan for my life than I had.  I had to have faith that He knew what was best for me, my husband, and my children.   I couldn't control these things.  It only caused anxiety and sleepless nights when I was trying to control it.  GOD IS IN CONTROL!!!!   I had to believe this with my whole heart, soul, and mind.   

      If we really want to raise our children in a godly home, we have to SURRENDER.  We have to obey God's Word and the Holy Spirit.  This means making some changes in our everyday lives.  It may mean doing things that some people do not understand.  It means taking up our cross, no matter the cost, and truly following Christ.  

       Will you pray for me as I pray for you?   Will you pray that we can all deny ourselves and allow God to do a good work in our lives and homes?    

      If anyone needs specific prayer for something, never hesitate to comment here or message me on our Facebook page:

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