
Friday, March 20, 2020


Disclaimer: I received a FREE copy of this product through the HOMESCHOOL REVIEW CREW in exchange for my honest review. I was not required to write a positive review nor was I compensated in any other way.

     Our family is always looking for resources for our devotion time.  I was excited to be receiving and reviewing  The Action Bible Anytime Devotions by David C Cook.  I knew that we would be learning about God's Word in a fun and practical way.  

      This paperback book has 193 pages and is split into 90 amazing devotions. From messages of Hope to how to cope with anxiety, it has so much to offer.  I was afraid it would be too childish for my 15 year old son, but he enjoyed it just as much as our 12 year daughter.  The stories are so practical and easy to understand.  The message is clear.  It will help your family get closer to God with each devotional.  

     The images in this devotional are amazing!!! So bright and colorful. They brought each story to life.  I was impressed with the quality of each page and how much thought was not only put into the stories themselves but in the illustrations.

     Each devotional will help you learn, relate, and apply God's Word to your life.  After each devotional we had many great discussions. We also talked about how we can exhibit more of the qualities found in this book such as love, courage, faith, trust, strength, and kindness.  It really gets you thinking. 

  Our daughter has really liked this devotional and will re-read it during her Bible time.  She said it helps her apply what is being taught to her life.  Her favorite story was the one called When You Need To Listen.  She told me she had been struggling with trusting God with some personal things she needs to do.  She feels Him leading her to talk more with others, but she is an introvert and has anxiety when speaking in crowds.  She is working on trusting Him to give her the right words and allowing Him to speak through her.  I am not sure she would have shared this issue with me unless we were reading through this devotional.  God always opens doors doesn't He? 

     Would you like to learn more about this devotional and other products from David C Cook?  I would encourage you to browse their website and follow them on their social media pages listed below:





     We also have more reviews of this devotional over on the Homeschool Review Crew site.  Just click on the link below


The Action Bible Anytime Devotions {David C Cook Reviews}

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