
Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Homeschooling High School: Letting Them Find What Works For Them

     Over the next few days, I will be taking part in the NOT BACK TO SCHOOL BLOG HOP.  I will be sharing some wonderful tips on homeschooling high school students.  I hope you are encouraged not only by my post but by all the wonderful posts from the bloggers joining in the blog hop!

2019 Annual Not Back to School Homeschool Blog Hop
     When my older three were in high school, I made a few mistakes.  As a mom, who loves to plan and organize, I took it upon myself to plan out their high school years instead of allowing them to pursue their own plans and goals.  I regret that so much.  

     We now have just one in high school and one in junior high.  I have sure changed over the years and as a veteran homeschool mom, I would love to share some of my mistakes with you so you might learn from them. 

      Micro managing may seem like a good idea so your high school student is sure to get the best education you can give them, but in some ways it can actually do more harm than good.  I am not saying you shouldn't give them loving advice and point them towards goals.  I am saying you  need to let them explore classes and activities that may help them accomplish the goals they have for themselves.  This means sometimes you need to step back and allow them to choose what they would like to pursue.  They may even change their goals a few times over the span of the four years they are in high school, but that is okay.  As long as they are meeting the requirements they need to graduate, what is the harm in giving them chances to take other classes so they can find what they are gifted to do. 

     Right now our son is taking coding classes and he is thriving.  In order to give him time to pursue this avenue, we have given him time from other classes so he can keep up without getting overwhelmed.  We do this by cutting some classes one  or two days a week, and letting him work on coding.  I have found that his work in those other classes has improved and I think that is because he is so thankful for the time he has been given to code.  It motivates him to work extra hard to keep up his grades.  

     It wasn't easy for me at first to take a hands off approach to Josh's high school years, but I am seeing great things happen because of it.  I am encouraging him to be all God wants him to be.  I am cheering him on to use the gifts that he has been given.  He is happy!  I am thrilled to see him thriving as he works towards the goals he has set for himself.  

     I wish I had been able to be this laid back with my other kids, but I am happy to say they are all doing well in spite of my need to have everything planned out.  I have learned so much over the past 25 years of parenting and I hope to learn more and more as we head to the finish line of homeschooling our children.  It's hard to believe in just about 5 years, they will all be graduated.  

     I hope to encourage you over the next few days as you journey through the high school years.  

     Come on over to read more posts from my wonderful friends as they talk about their homeschools and homeschooling lives.  

Dawn @ Schoolin' Swag - Adding Fun to Your Homeschool Day
Erin @ For Him and My Family - Large Family Homeschooling
Lori @ At Home Where Life Happens - Learning Life Skills
Monique @ Mountain of Grace Homeschooling - Homeschooling the High School Years
Monique D. @ Early Learning Mom - Homeschooling With Autism
Yvie @ Homeschool On the Range - 5 Days of Upper Grades Homeschooling
Abby @ Making Room 4 One More - Time Management for Homeschool Moms
Amanda @ Hopkins Homeschool - 5 Days of Homeschool Questions
Amy @ the WRITE Balance - Year-Round Schooling
Annette @ A Net in Time - Homeschooling.



  1. it can be hard to just let go and let them. My son has been helping me do so for the past couple of years.

  2. We have to have a hands-on approach b/c our teen is not very self-motivated but I have made sure that last year and this year we will be including lots of opportunity for him to follow his career dream of being a photographer. Last year he worked through an editing course and this year we have a few photography courses he can take a look at.
