
Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Methods of Homeschooling

            There are quite a few different methods of homeschooling.  I would like to focus on five of them today.  No method is wrong or right, it is all about what fits your family.  

     The first method is the school at home method.  This type of homeschool is very organized and even has a special room of the house dedicated to schooling.  It follows a schedule much like a school does, with the exception of time limits.  We use to follow this method, but found that we needed more freedom.  The schoolroom limited our space and we didn't like following a schedule that was too rigid to be obedient to the Lord's plans for our days.  

     The Unschooling method is the exact opposite of the school at home method.  In this method you allow your children to explore learning through life.  There is not a schedule to follow and the kids have more free time. Formal textbooks and workbooks are usually not used.  Many families thrive using this type of homeschooling, but you must have self motivated children for this method to work well.  

     Relaxed or Eclectic homeschooling is used by many homeschoolers.  This method incorporates learning with textbooks/workbooks as well as unschooling in certain areas.  We are using this method now with our children.  I do keep records and we do have assignments sheets that help us keep on track, but we are relaxed enough to veer off the agenda if need be.  Our kids do school all over the house.  One day it may be at the kitchen table, and the next day we may be sitting on the couch.  It just depends on our mood and what we are doing for the day. We have children who are very interested in subjects like art, computer science, and web design, and that is why we know this method is best for them. It gives them time to explore what they love.  It allows them to be creative. They are not confined to just reading, writing, and arithmetic.  They enjoy learning!  It seems to be working great for us and that is what you need to look for when choosing a method.  It has to be good for the entire family.   

     Our next method is unit studies. They use your children's interests to teach subjects like math, reading, spelling, science, art, and history.  There have been a few subjects we have used unit studies with and they turned out great.  If you don't want to use a textbook to teach history, I feel unit studies are great.   Many unit studies can be found free on the internet as well, so it is a great economical way to study subjects.   

     The final method I want to talk about is the Charlotte Mason Method.  In this type of homeschooling the children learn from real life experiences along with living books that make things come to life for them.  They are allowed to create and study on their own.  Children learn from exploring the world through many nature walks, trips to museums and being involved in real life situations.  The children are not tested but rather are assessed by talking about the subjects they are learning on a daily basis.   

       What method of homeschooling do you use with your family?  Do you enjoy your days? If not I would pray about trying a new way and see where that takes you.  


  1. I am a homeschool alum. We pretty much followed the relaxed method, although you could say that I set up my own unit studies on whatever caught my fancy (normally writing). This is a great summary of the different ways to approach homeschooling. I'll be pinning it to my board.

    Lauren C. Moye

    1. Thank you Lauren :) I appreciate you stopping by to read and to comment!

  2. Great explanation of these methods. Thanks for sharing!
