
Tuesday, June 4, 2019

HOMESCHOOL REVIEW CREW: Our Review of Life With Dog

     It is so hard to find good family friendly entertainment these days.  I am always looking for good movies that will not only entertain, but teach good character and morals.  I was happy to receive and review Life With Dog by Mill Creek Entertainment.  

     This movie stars Corbin Bersen and Marilu Henner.  They are both extraordinary actors and I enjoy watching them in many other movies, so I was thrilled to see them play together in this movie.  Corbin plays Joe Bigler and Marilu plays his wife Alice.  

     The movie, from the beginning, was intense with emotions.  I knew right away I would need a box of tissues.  Joe's wife is killed in a mysterious accident and now he is struggling really hard with her death.  Joe is not a believer like his wife was and daughter is.  He tried to give God a chance on two occasions.  Once when his son was fighting for his life but passed away, and second when Alice was laying in the hospital dying.  Joe assumes God is not real because his cries were not heard and answered.  He wanted God to heal his son and wife, but that didn't happen.  Joe's doubt and unbelief are now at an all time high.  He is hurting.  

      Dog, the name Joe gives to this mutt that appears in his garden,  will not give up on Joe. Even though Dog won't bark, you can see in his eyes that he wants to love Joe through the hurt and pain. He wants to be there to protect Joe.  Even though Joe says he doesn't care for Dog, you know deep down he does.   

     Joe's daughter Zoey holds tight to her faith, and prays her father will find Christ in the midst of the misery her father is dealing with. She wants to help her father heal. She loves him so much.

      I don't want to give any more of the movie away.  You have to see this one for yourself to feel the emotions that these actors do so well to portray.  You will have to watch to see if the mystery surrounding Alice's death is resolved.  Will Joe find faith? Will Joe ever be able to forgive himself? Will Dog stay with Joe?  So many questions to be answered huh?

      So personally, I feel this movie speaks to a lot of us.  We  have all had times where we felt God wasn't listening to us or answering our prayers.  Only to be brought to a place of an amazing discovery of God's unfailing love, mercy and grace.  

     My kids who are 12 and 14 liked the movie, but it may be a little too intense for younger viewers.  As a parent, I say watch it first yourself and then decide if your kiddos are ready for it.  

     Would you like to learn more about this movie from Mill Creek Entertainment?  I encourage you to check out their website and social media pages listed below: 




     We have more reviews of this movie over here
Life With Dog {Mill Creek Entertainment Reviews}

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