
Friday, April 17, 2020

Can Others Count On You?

     Today I want to talk about the character quality of dependability. The Bible describes a dependable person as a faithful person.  They are willing to do what it takes to fulfill the will of God.  The are trustworthy, honest, and sincere.  We know this character quality is important because of the verse found in Matthew 25:21.  

     Here Jesus tells us a parable where a man is praised for being a good and faithful servant.  This parable was used to show us how we are to be conscientious with that the Lord has given to us.  We are to use the gifts He has entrusted to us to glorify Him.  Once we learn to be faithful in the little things, God will trust us with more and more.  

     When we are dependable, others know they can count on us.  We will keep our word.  We will be on time. We will try to make good and wise decisions.  We will do our best to keep promises we make.  People will know that we will not purposely fail them. 

     How do people view you?  Are you reliable or irresponsible?  Do you make excuses for not carrying through with what you said you would do? Can the Lord depend on you to accomplish what He has set before you? 

      If you answered no to any of the questions above you will need to work on this character quality.  Sit down and ask the Lord to help you see where you are failing in this area, and then ask Him to help you to develop this trait.  We all get into bad habits, but with God's help and some self-control we can change. God can help us to work on being dependable and faithful servants.  

     I think this is one of the most important character qualities that we can teach our children. If they learn to be a reliable person, then they will succeed.  Maybe not always in the world's eyes, but in God's eyes they will be a fruitful man or woman.

     One great way to teach this quality is giving our children tasks and allowing them to finish them on their own.  Let them use their own abilities and wisdom to get the job done.  It's important to give them a time when you expect the job to be completed.  Now comes the hard part.  Walk away and let them learn to become dependable! If they succeed, praise them.  If they fail, sit down with them and explain what they did (or didn't do) was wrong.  Give them another chance to resolve the issue.  This is one trait that can only be developed through testing.  We have to choose to do the right thing!

    As I write this, I see that I can improve in this area.  Can you?


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