
Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Homeschool Review Crew: Our Review of Drive Thru History® "Acts to Revelation"

     For years our family has enjoyed watching Drive Thru History®.  You can imagine how excited we were to hear that we were chosen to receive and review Drive Thru History® "Acts to Revelation".   My kids would wait by the mailbox everyday until it arrived.  They were thrilled when that little box was finally delivered. 

     Hope and Josh couldn't wait to dive right into watching the videos.  In this set they would have 18 thirty minute videos that focused on the books of Acts through Revelation.  Last year they were able to review The Gospels and just fell in love with the Bible all over again.  These videos bring the Bible to life. 

    Dave Stotts, the host of these amazing videos, takes his viewers on an adventure that shows where these Biblical events took place and gives you a background to each book of the Bible.  Hope and Josh have never been so excited to study History.  I am so thankful for these videos! They actually beg to watch more when the lesson is over.  

     The set we received was a Special Edition. This series has 3 DVDs and a study guide provided in book form.  We enjoyed going over the discussion questions after we watched each episode. They sparked some interesting conversations.  In this set you will get 18 episodes that begin with the book of Acts and go all the way through to Revelation.

Here is a list of the episodes included: 

  • Episode 1: The Gospel shared at Pentecost
  • Episode 2: The Church grows at Jerusalem
  • Episode 3: The Gospel Spreads o the Gentiles
  • Episode 4: Saul of Tarsus & the Road to Damascus
  • Episode 5: Paul’s first Missionary Journey: The island of Cyprus
  • Episode 6: The Journey Continues: Pamphylia, Glatia & Asia Minor
  • Episode 7: The Jerusalem Council & Paul’s Second Missionary Journey
  • Episode 8: The Second Journey Continues: Philippi and Thessalonica
  • Episode 9: A Road Trip to Athens
  • Episode 10: Ancient Corinth
  • Episode 11: Paul’s Third Missionary Journey: Ephesus
  • Episode 12: Paul’s Final Trip to Trip to Jerusalem & Caesarea
  • Episode 13: Jesus Arrives in Jerusalem
  • Episode 14: A Final Journey to Rome
  • Episode 15: The Martyrdom of Paul & Peter
  • Episode 16:John and the Island of Patmos
  • Episode 17: The Seven Churches of Revelation
  • Episode 18: The Book Closes on the New Testament Period

     Now I want to let you know what my kids think of these DVDs in their own words....

Hope says this:  

"Drive Thru History is amazing because it’s true.  It makes Biblical history easy to learn and understand. Anyone can watch it. It’s good for young and older kids as well as their parents. It never gets boring. The episodes are never too long and it keeps you entertained all the way through.  I love that Dave makes history fun and makes me giggle as I learn."

Josh's wants to say this: 

"I love these videos. Dave is a great dude, and he knows how to pull you into the experience, so you feel like you were actually there, and he is absolutely hilarious! The places he goes to are amazing. I really enjoy the scenery and the camera work is great. I have learned so much from my culture and my religion. I would just like to thank Dave and the entire crew for these amazing adventures."

     I can't tell you how much we love Drive Thru History.  I am never disappointed.  I know my kids will learn history as they also learn about their faith.  What an amazing combination!

     Would you like to learn more about Drive Thru History®?  I would encourage you to visit their website and their social media pages listed below: 

    We also have more reviews for you to read over on the Homeschool Review Crew web page here 

Drive Thru History®
Have a blessed week!

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