
Tuesday, October 9, 2018

HOMESCHOOL REVIEW CREW: Our Review of CashCrunch Careers

     Have you ever had your child ask you... "What career would be best for me?"   I know I have had a couple of my kiddos ask me that question.  It usually comes half way through their senior year in high school.  They are nervous about graduating and aren't quite sure what they want to do with their lives.  I wish I would have had a resource like the one we are reviewing today for them. 

    I am happy that we were able to receive and review CashCrunch Careers from CashCrunch Games just in time for our son Ryan to use as he searches for the career that will fit him best.  He just graduated in June, but is still not sure where God wants him yet.  We have been praying with him and for him.  During this time of prayer he is researching a couple of fields he feels drawn to.  When I told him about this program, he was so thrilled to have something to help him navigate to his perfect career.

   I also took the survey to see where it would put me if I chose to have a career after my children are all grown. I wasn't surprised with my outcome as I already had an idea where I would thrive as a person and employee.  I am best suited to be a manager.  That is what I do now... just inside our home 😉

     So what is this program???  CashCrunch Careers is an online site that helps students and adults choose a career path that is best suited for their strengths and weaknesses.  They do this by having you take a 75 question survey that allows you to pick attributes that best describe you.  When the survey is finished, you are given several different career paths that may be a good fit for you.  

     Once you complete the survey, you are assessed to see where your attributes will best serve you.  No one wants to go down a career path that doesn't fit who they are.  Ryan was very excited to see where he would do best and was a little surprised with his assessment.  He hadn't even thought of a few of the paths it said would be a good fit for him, and now has a better idea where he is headed. 

     I asked Ryan if he felt that this was a good estimate of his talents and character and he said yes.  He felt that every suggestion was something he could do and do well. He said each career recommendation was something he could accomplish with ease.  I think that is great! 

       Ryan is feeling more confident is who he is and where he would do well.  He has been praying about doing something in the law field.  Guess what was one of his suggestions???  YEP!  He now knows what type of law he should study that will use his strengths.  Here are just a few areas of study that was on his list.....

     As he searches each role in this career path he can look at what courses are needed, what colleges will be good, and a brief video of what the job entails.  It couldn't be easier to use. 

     If you, your husband, or child are looking for a career path, I would encourage you to check this site out. It is only $99.  That is well worth peace of mind when finding a job that best suits who you are and where you will be able to make a difference as you use your strengths and abilities God has given to you.  

     For more information you can check out their website CashCrunch Careers or their social media pages listed below: 

     There are also more reviews for you to read over here 

CashCrunch Careers {CashCrunch Games Reviews}

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